Chapter 12: Let Me Explain

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Your POV

You awake the following morning in your own bed at home. You sit up and wipe the drool from your face when you hear something fall to the floor. You look down beside your bed and see your book. Did any of that stuff actually happen or was it all just a dream? You get up out of bed and go downstairs, wondering if Wilford will even know if any of that happened. You enter the living room and see Mark, still cleaning, but where's Wilford. All of a sudden, the bathroom door beside you opens and you're pulled inside. When you see it's Wilford, you heart skips a beat. "(F/n), we need to talk," he says seriously. "I know what this is about. You saw exactly what I did, didn't you," you state. His eyes open wide in surprise, "You were there too?" he asks. You nod in response. He thinks for a moment, "I just want you to know that I couldn't control what I was doing." You can tell, just by the sound of his voice, that he's lying, "Wilford, I know that's not true." He looks away, trying to avoid eye contact. "Sorry," he mumbles. "There's nothing to apologize for. All the things you said were the sweetest things any guy has ever said to me," his cheeks redden, "I know I can't remember much, but what I know now is that I really like you, too." He looks up at you and gives you a grin, which you return. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs, "Mark, what's for dinner. I'm starving," you hear Dark's voice say.

You hear his footsteps lead into the kithcen, followed by Mark's. You can hear a small amount of talking, but you can't make out any of the words. "We better get out of here before they get back," Wilford says opening the door, motioning for you to go first. You take a step out of the bathroom and move out of the way so Wilford can exit too. You look into the kitchen to see Mark and Dark screaming at each other. Mark's back is facing you, and Dark hasn't noticed you yet. All of a sudden, in the midst of the fighting, Mark swings his arm back and punches Dark. You're horrified. How could he punch his brother, basically. You gasp louder than you expected, because Mark turned around and you saw his face. His eyes wide and his brows furrowed. You then looked around him at Dark, who's holding on to the counter and rubbing his cheek. Terrified, you rush up the stairs into your bedroom.

"(F/n)! Wait!" You hear when you slam the door shut, but you ignore it. All the things you wrote down in the book seem like lies now, based on what you've seen from him. In your journal, he sounded like a wonderful person, you were surprised you two weren't together, actually. But, now, he's a different person. Maybe a different Mark? You doubt it. You lay down on the bed and pull the covers over your head, reliving the horror that just took place downstairs. You hear a knock at the door, "(F/n), please, let me explain." Then you hear Wilford's voice, "Come on, Mark. Just give her some time." You lay there long after Mark and Wilford leave your door.

You think about everything that's been going on. You woke up in the hospital with Mark by your side. You come home and Dark says he's your boyfriend. Then, he takes you out on a date and says he was lying. Does he really care for you? Obviously not, he wouldn't have lied. Or maybe he does care and that's why he confessed the truth. Then, the ordeal with Wilford. Is he playing you like Dark tried to? That you were pretty sure was false. When you were in the story, you felt something. You felt that deep connection that only twenty years together could bring. And when you... were "with" him, it was magical. He was so caring, he obviously didn't want to hurt you. Do you love him? Possibly. But Dark is a great guy too. Yea, he lied to you, but he did tell you the truth. People usually don't do that if they're just using you. Then Mark, oh how you despised and feared him right now. First, he called you stupid and tried to hit you, then he goes and hits Dark. You never want to speak to him again, unless he can make up for it. Maybe he can.

You finally stand up and walk over to your bookshelf. Maybe another book will take your mind off of this. You scan until you see the bright blue binding. You pull it off and remove the dust jacket. You walk back over to the bed and open up The Fault In Our Stars, another one of your favorites. Hopefully, no one else will be put into the story with you and you can just read about the love story of Hazel and Augustus.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update and not updating yesterday. We had a huge snow storm and I've been working on recording my YouTube video. Which will hopefully be up tomorrow!

Anyway, thanks for over 1K. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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