Chapter 11: May I Have This Dance

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Your POV

After going through the romantic dates of their past, the story line jumps back to the present time now. Twenty years later, Amanda and Dawson come back together because of the death of Tuck. At this point, both you and Dawson were extremely close to Tuck, neither of you knew the other one was though. Amanda and Dawson had been separated because Dawson went to jail for something that was a complete accident. He swerved off the road at night at hit a jogger. Sadly, he passed away and due to Dawson's family, the horrible Cole's, he was locked up for murder. Dawson's family is the family that no one wants anything to do with. They're all a bunch of drunks and drug addicts, but Dawson's different, and that's why Amanda loves him so much.

Amanda is now married with two kids, her marriage is on the rocks. Her husband is an alcoholic who, despite her pleasing, refuses to give up the addiction. So when she gets a call about Tuck, she heads back to her hometown. Tuck didn't have any family, his wife had passed away over twenty years before he did.

Once you arrive, as Amanda, your hometown, you decide to go to Tuck's old house. You wanted to know if it still looked the same. You've come to visit him since you were a teenager, but you haven't been back for quiet a while since your last visit. You pull up in the gravel driveway, the house is almost the exact same. The only thing different is that it looks older; the flowers outside that his wife planted had died and the color of the house and separated garage had faded. You park the car and, knowing what to do, walk over to the garage door. Once you get a certain distance away, it opens and you see Dawson Cole, or in this case, Wilford Warfstache standing there in a torso hugging tank top covered in sweat. His muscles even bigger than they were when you were in the flashback as a teenager. "(F/n)," he states more than asking. You nod, "Wilford, wow. It's been so long." He smiles at the ground, "twenty years." You smile back at him. When he looks up at you, you can see that twinkle in his eyes and something about it speaks to you. You feel something, or maybe it's just Amanda's old feeling for Dawson now becoming yours for Wilford.

After talking to Wilford for a while, you almost completely forget that your inside the story. Everything feels so real. The atmosphere, the people, the feelings.You're sitting with him at dinner at Tuck's other house that he owned outside of town. It used to be so beautiful. Back when Tuck was younger and could actually take care of the garden that completely surrounded the house, there were hundred of wildflowers for yards around every side of the house. But now, all the flowers have long died and the weeds are overgrown. The house looks old on the outside, but you've come here to fulfill Tuck's final wishes. This is where he scattered his wife's ashes and he wants the same done to his. You and Wilford had rode here together and decided to eat.  You and him had decided to go there a day early to prepare.You brought along a small picnic and sit on the deck by the lake watching the sun set. "So, (f/n), how has your life been lately?" Wilford asks, trying to make conversation. You act as Amanda, "Well, I've been married for about 18 years now, and I have two kids, Jared and," but he cuts you off. "Not Amanda, you. (F/n)," he says. "Are we not in the book anymore?" you ask, confused. He shakes his head, "This is real," he reaches across the table and takes you hand in his. You don't even think about pulling away this time, you hold his hand, and feel as though you're the only two people in the world. "(F/n), there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he looks away. "What is it?" you ask him. "Well, I can't say it seeing as how you're with Dark now," he hangs his head low. You think for a moment, "Dark and I aren't together. He lied to me and I don't know if I can forgive him for that." His head comes back up and he looks into your eyes, "I really like you, (F/n). I have for a while now. I'm assuming Dark told you everything. About us being stuck in Mark's brain for so many years. We were still able to see through his eyes, and he's known you basically his entire life. So, I feel like I have too and I've loved every second of it. I love you, (F/n). There, I said it. I'm in love with you, and nothing is ever going to change it. You are so strikingly beautiful you take my breath away every time I look at you. You're the reason why I've wanted yo get out of his mind for this long. I've wanted to meet you and tell you all of this in person. I don't even care if you don't feel the same way, I just needed to say it."

You stand up from the table, releasing his hand and walk over to him. You can't help it. It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to you. You lean down and kiss him. It's the realest connection you've ever felt. There's so much more meaning behind this kiss rather than when you kissed Dark. After being in Amanda's brain and seeing all the situations with you and Wilford instead of her and Dawson, you feel so close to Will. When you pull away, you're lost in his eyes, "I love you, too, Wilford." He stands up and goes inside, grabbing your hand again and pulling you behind him. He goes into the living room and turns on the radio, "may I have this dance?" You pull him close to you, "of course." You lean your head onto his chest, listening to the sound of his heart, for the rest of the song. When the next one comes on, you look back up at him, he's already looking at you. You feel the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. He leans down and kisses you passionately. After several minutes, you finally pull away. You take his hand once more and pull him to the bedroom. You know in your mind that in real life you haven't known him that long, but right now it feels like you've known him for over twenty years. In your heart, you know that this is exactly what you want. 

Awww, Wilford romance for Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Sorry for the late update, I had a small bought of writers block. And btw, I'll for sure be starting my YouTube channel next weekend, possibly even sooner. Would any of you guys watch it? And another BTW, this book has quickly skyrocketed to almost 1K views and I just started writing it like a week ago. Thank you guys so much.

Comment and tell me who's team you're on. Team Dark, Team Mark, or Team Wilford.

Anyway, thank you guys for reading and as always I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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