August 4, 1999

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I went over to Mark's again today. Again, I go there every single day and somehow never get tired of it or him. He's my absolute best friend in the entire world.

Anyway, what we did today was the most fun thing we've every done! I went over there right as Mark's mom was about to leave. She let me and him stay at the house though, she said she'd only be gone for maybe a half and hour to an hour. The second the door closed, he said, "Follow me," and raced up the stairs. Of course, I followed him. Mark's always got something cool to show me. When I get up to his room, all I see are mattresses sitting on the floor. I was really confused so I asked him what the heck we're gonna do with those.

He picked one up, dragged it over to the stairs, sat down, scooted just a little bit forward then he zoomed down the stairs. I raced over and looked down the stairway, hoping he wasn't hurt. Thankfully, all I saw when I looked around the corner was a laughing Mark. "That was awesome!" he yelled and raced back up the stairs. "Your turn," he pulled the next mattress up, "You'll be fine, I promise." I know I can trust what he says. He'd never lie to me. "Okay, just sit down and scoot forward," he told me as I sat down on the the mattress reluctantly. I was honestly a little scared. I could like break something, or hit the wall, and since Mark's mom was gone we'd have no way to get help. Mark could obviously see I was scared because he sat down behind me and wrapped his arms around me to make sure I didn't fall over. "Okay, we just gotta scoot a little," so we started scooting forward then we flew down the stairs. I screamed so loud. It was terrifying but once we were at the bottom I realized how fun it was.

We did that until his mom got home. We had so much fun. God, I love being around him all the time. He's just so amazing.

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