Chapter 8: Don't Come Any Closer

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Your POV

"Hey, guys," Dark says from his place on the couch, "Why don't we play a game." Mark looks at you, seeing if you would like the idea. "Sure, that sounds like fun. What game?" you ask while walking over to the couch and taking a seat next to Dark; close, but not too close. Dark gets an evil looking grin on his face, "I was thinking about Cards Against Humanity." Wilford and Mark turn from the kitchen, looking at Dark like he's crazy. "Umm... Dark, we don't have that game," Wilford tells him. "Oh, Will, you're the one who's always telling me to not lie. Don't lie yourself," Dark says standing up and walking to a cabinet in the corner of the room. He bends down and opens it, scrambling around in there for a moment, then brings a small black box out. "Come on, guys. It'll be fun," he exaggerates the last word quiet a bit. Mark and Wilford hesitantly come over to the living room. Wilford sits beside you and Mark sits on the opposite side of the couch next to him. Dark takes the cards out of the box and shuffles them, then hands them to you to deal out. Once that's done, the games begin.

After a few rounds, Dark had already won three. "You guys suck at this game," he laughed. "No, you just have the dirtiest mind," Wilford mumbled under his breath. Dark cleared his throat, "why thank you, Will. I pride myself on my incredibly dirty mind," he looks over at you when he says this and winks, making sure Mark and Wilford can't see him doing it. You feel the blush fill your cheeks. "Dark, this games embarrassing for some people," Mark motions to you with his eyes; obviously, he saw your red cheeks. "No, I'm good. This is actually really fun," you tell Mark. "Well, it's getting a little late, why don't we go on up to bed, Dark," Wilford says, not asking Dark if he's ready for bed, but more telling him to do so. "But I'm not tired," Dark whines like a child. "Then we can go play video games," Dark roles his eyes and reluctantly follows Wilford up the stairs.

Mark's POV

I can hear Wilford's voice in my head as they walk up the stair, "Mark, talk to her. Dark wants to ruin everything between you two." I can't let him do that. Are we actually dating? No, but that day when we were on the hike, I was planning on asking her. She passed out before we could actually get to the point on the trail where I wanted to do it. That's my luck, though. I've known this girl my entire life, and had a crush on her for that long too, and right when I finally get the courage to do something about it, she can't even remember who I am.

"So, (F/n), how are you feeling?" I ask her, trying to break the obvious awkwardness that filled the room. "I feel fine. I mean, it's a little complicated trying to get all my memories back in order but I'm working on it. Dark helped me earlier." Dark helped her? I told both of them not to talk to her, this must have some connection to Wilford telling me Dark wants to ruin everything, which doesn't surprise me. "What did he say?" She pauses for a moment in thought, "he just came up to my room... he told me... some memories, that's all." Her tone is fishy; I can tell she's not telling me the truth, or at least not the whole truth. I've known this girl too long to not be tipped off that something's up here. She tries to change the subject, "So, why were you so surprised to see them earlier?" I contemplate whether or not I should tell her the truth. I decide that the truth is best for her situation, lies won't help her memories come back. "Well, this is going to sound strange, but it's the truth," I tell her, "Dark and Wilford are my alter egos. I don't know how, but they've been trapped in my mind for years and, for some reason, they've come out now." She stares at me for a moment, obviously confused, "No. That's not possible," she says, standing up. "But it's the truth," I say. "No. I talked to him earlier. He couldn't have been trapped in your mind for years. We've been together for two. He's a person and so is Wilford. It's impossible that they were in your mind," she begins pacing the floor. Dark told her they were together?! I am going to kill him. "(F/n), I know Dark probably told you some stuff earlier, and I'm not exactly sure what he said, but you two were not dating. You didn't have a boyfriend. Yea, you've dated people before, but none of them were Dark," I try to convince her. "Look, Mark, I know what you're saying, but he told me the story. I just have this feeling, when he kissed me, I felt the spark," her words stun me.

Your POV

"He kissed you?" Mark yells at me, "What the hell?" He turns toward the opposite wall, "how could you let that happen? Are you really that stupid?! I can't believe you would kiss that bastard. He's not even a real person. How could you do this to me?!" At this point, your eyes are full of tears only being held back by the brims of your eyes, about to overflow. How could he say that? You love Dark. Or at least loved and you're hoping to love him again. Mark takes a few steps toward you and raises his arm, you flinch and close your eyes tightly as you take several steps back. He's going to hit me, you think. "Don't come any closer," you turn away and quickly run up the stairs to your room.

Ohh, poor Mark, or is it poor Mark? He tried to hit you. Any team changes?

And just a warning now, there may be some spoilers for other, real books (Nicholas Sparks, maybe a John Green book) so just warning you about that. You're character really loves reading so just a heads up on the possible spoiler alerts.

(BTW: Those of you who have read my other stories know I'll be starting my YouTube channel soon. YES! I have finally gotten recording software! I don't know if you read this or not, but a big shoutout to @SneakyFox47 who told me about FRAPS. It'll still be a couple weeks before I'm with the other half of the channel again, but we will film hopefully several videos. So please check us out on YouTube. It''ll be called STEP BESTIES)

Anyway, thank you guys for reading. And as always. I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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