Chapter 32: I Don't Want It To End This Way

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Your POV: The next day

You stayed at the hopital with Dark all night. The beeping has become a sweet melody that you never want to end. With every sound the machine makes you feel a small bout of relief.

Dark fell asleep shortly after he woke up last night. Of course, that was only 7 p.m. so you weren't tired. You let Mark and Wilford come in and see him but you refused to move from your seat. They tried to convince you to come back to the hotel and that he'd be okay for one night, but you wouldn't budge. You know his minutes are limited and you want to be here with him every second he has left.

You ended up actually falling asleep at 11:30 last night. You found it hard to sleep with all these thoughts and emotions running restlessly through your mind. They just wouldn't calm down, they still won't. Now, it's 8:30 in the morning and Dark is still asleep. They say sleep is best for him now, so you don't dare wake him up. Plus, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Like a baby almost, it's so adorable. You hold onto his hand, unwilling to let go for even a second and watch his chest slowly rise and fall. Rise and fall. Rise and fall. Some people may think it's boring or creepy, but to you it is a feelinga relief to know that he's okay for just a little while longer.

Mark comes in the room with a cup of coffee. You put your finger of the hand not holding Dark's and shush him. Mark nods and stares at Dark for a moment, no doubt looking at all the tubes and wires and monitors connected to him. The sight of them all are heartbreaking, that's why you've been trying to just see him, the man under all of them. "Has he woken up since last night?" Mark whispers. You shake your head. Mark hands you the coffee and walk out of the room again. Before the door closes you see him flag down the doctor. He's probably going to check on Dark's condition. A few minutes later you get a text from Mark, luckily your phone was on silent. "When he wakes up, get the doctor," it read. You simply replied back, "Okay."

About a half an hour later, you feel Dark's hand move slightly. You feel excitement build inside of you. He moves his head over to look at you ever so slowly. His eyes open even slower. When he sees you, his pale face shows off his still blinding white teeth. How he managed to stay happy through times like this, you'll never understand, but you admired him greatly for it. "Good morning," you said gently. "Hey, beautiful," he whispers. Everything he says now sounds like whispers; he just doesn't have enough strength to do much more than that. His statement makes you blush, "Dark, I need to tell you something." "Wait, can I talk first?" You nod. "Okay, I know I said a lot yesterday, but I want you to know I meant everything. Every single word was spoken from the heart. My heart. I know it doesn't work very good now, but I want you to know that it's yours. It's always been yours and no one elses. I had a dream last night. About us. I dreamt that we went on a trip to the place you've always wanted to go. Amsterdam. I dreamt that we went sightseeing, ate at fancy restaurants, and just enjoyed each others company. Most importantly, I was fine. I could do anything. If I could do anything right now, I'd ask what you wanted first. Then, whatever you said, I'd do it in a heartbeat, or in my case the beep of a monitor. Anyway, I really do love you. I just, I can't express the feelings I have for you. They're so much more than love, they're... I just don't know. But if there's anything I'm sure of, I'm sure of my feelings for you will go unchanging. Not like the seasons, or the moon, or sun, they will never change. You are on my mind constantly. All I can ever see in my mind is your beautiful face. And I love you."

You can't help yourself, you lean over to him and kiss him gently. "I love you too," you tell him when you break away. A smile grows on his face. You see his eyes start to close. "Dark, Dark, don't do this. Not now! Don't leave me!" His eyes shut and his smile closes into a grin, "I love you, so much, (F/n)." He becomes motionless, your eyes go back to the monitor on the other side of him. Slowly, the waves slow. You move your eyes rapidly between him and the monitor. Finally, it gets so slow that you stare at Dark and listen to the monitor. You watch his chest move up and down until you hear one final beep.

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