Chapter 41: It's Not Over Yet

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Your POV

"Follow me," he says, walking toward the door, holding it open for you. You walk outside and look at the large scale of trees just a few yards from the house. He begins to walk toward them. You follow without hesitation there's a small path that's a little overgrown, but still visible. The path begins to go downhill and then finally reveals a large field of tall, green grass. It look like an image straight out of a movie. You feel like all your cares are swept away and left back in the city and this certainly isn't the city. This is so much more beautiful than the city. You feel so free. This feeling is one that brings you great comfort. Again, you feel a sense of déjà vu, but you quickly forget about it and get lost in the moment. "It's amazing isn't it?" Mark snaps you out of your amazement. "It's crazy. I've never felt so free," you say to him. Mark mumbles something that you can't make out. "We're almost there," he continues walking. "You mean this isn't it? This is beautiful by itself." He turns around and smiles at you, "If you think this is pretty, wait until we get down here."

A few minutes of walking and you make it to the bottom of the hill. Mark walks to the edge if a small ditch looking thing. You walk up next to him and look down at what he's looking at. It's a creek. The water is clear and beautiful. The shadows from the trees above show a breathtaking color contrast of the water. Mud and dirt is everywhere though. You aren't sure if you like that part or not. "Wow, Mark, this is amazing. I'm speechless." "Come on," he jumps down and splashes into the water. It only comes up to about his knees. A smile finds it's way across his face. He turns and starts walking through the water but stops when he doesn't hear you splash in behind him. "You coming?" you nod hesitantly and stare down at the drop. He walks back over and stands in front of you, "I'll catch you." You jump down into his arms. Water covers you both. Neither of you can help but laugh. Your gaze moves from the water to his eyes. You feel a second of awkwardness then move away. "Thanks," you say quietly. You find your balance and start walking the direction Mark had begun walking before. You didn't hear his footsteps in the water behind you. You turn around to see if he's coming and the second you turn around he throws a handful of mud at you. It covers your neck, chest, and chin. Your jaw drops in surprise that he would actually do that, "oh no you did not." "Oh yes I did," a smile from ear to ear. You bend over to the side and grab a big handful of mud. A smile covers your face. "You wouldn't. Come on, (F/n), I was just playing around. It was one time I swear," he pleads, a smiling remaining on his face. "And this is one time," you say as you throw it. Mud covers his face. You almost feel bad about it hitting his face, until he grabs another handful, runs over to you and pushed his hand full of disgusting mud against your face. You scream a little. "Oh, it's on now," you say, declaring that war has begun. You both throw mud back and forth until you're both completely covered. Once, he grabs a huge handful, bigger than any other, and is about to throw it. You try to run away but you trip and fall into the shallow water. The second you land, you burst into laughter. When Mark heard you laughing, he begins laughing with you.

"Here, let me help you," he walks over to you and holds his hand out to help you up, "come this way. We can get cleaned up a little." You follow, a little confused on how we'd get clean in the middle of the woods. Finally, the creek got to a point where Mark, in front of you, started getting deeper and deeper into the water until it flattened at about his belly button. You looked to the side and saw a beautiful, small waterfall, maybe 10 feel tall. The light shown through the trees perfectly making the water appear crystal clear. You walking into it, getting closer to Mark. You both washed away the mud as well as any frustrations.

"Mark, this has been the best day I can remember," you tell him, "thank you." He walks over to you and wraps his arms around you which you do as well, "it's not over yet."

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