Its time

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I knew something was happening. It was going to be huge. Endeavor had called me in to help dicaphring what Hawks had left for us, as I was Hawks' best intern.

The book, and the key words that were highlighted. When attempting to decipher the code, Endeavor had given me a piece of paper and a pen to write everything down. I wrote down each word that was highlighted. I then started to remember that he held up a peace sign before leaving for his big mission that I wasn't allowed to be a part of. I threw everything I had and ran towards the white board, I wrote down the second word of each highlighted section.

When I uncovered the message, I opened my eyes wide in shock. I looked at Endeavor and it was as he feared. I heard endeavor come up behind me as he heard my gasp. He takes a deep breath, knowing exactly what we had to do. He called up some agencies and we had a meeting.

"We have to tell UA. This event is bigger than we thought."

Endeavor begins, causing me to immediately slam my fist on the table,

"They are just children, I don't care that they go to UA and are training to become Heroes. They are still kids! We can't put them against something as big as this! What about your son! What about his friends!"

Endeavor stood up to me and I was well aware of the height difference. I stood my ground and that's when a hand was placed on my shoulder. It was Papa, he looks at me,

"I trust my students and class 1-B to be able to take on this threat. I agree that we shouldn't have kids participating, but they need to. Their quirks are powerful."

I take a shaky breath and nod my head in agreement, I take my seat.

We were gathering up a lot of forces. I was put into the front lines. My job was to help the first years go from being in the front and as soon as their job was done, I was required to bring them to the back along with Fatgum. Tamaki had told me that he was going to be Fatgum's side kick come the next year. We'd have to celebrate later as we were all working very hard to make sure that the league will be taken down properly this time.

Right now we were waiting for the signal. I was currently with Tsukyomi, Fatgum, and Suneater. Waiting on our cue to go. I had a bunch of water bottles with me and I kept drinking them up so that my reserves were prepared. The bigger my reserves the less chance I have of passing out. As soon as I finished the water bottle I was currently on, the cue was givin and we rushed in. We were rushing towards the mansion entrance that wasn't blocked off by allies.

"SunEater, MizuChu. You're up."

We heard Fatgum say. I could see Suneater begin to transform using his vast hybrid chimera. With my waters I began to make two swords that I could wheel. My swords wouldn't kill them, but they could pass through their body and knock them out as I am able to control where most hydrogen bonds can go. We both rushed in at the same time and attacked the villains trying to protect the entrance and run away.

"Sorry but I need you folks to stand down."

I heard Suneater say as I said,

"Allow me to cut through your defenses!"

I heard Tsukyomi use his quirk and used his dark shadow to help him out. Me and Suneater stood back to back fighting off the villains. I remembered a technique about senbons and I started to form the edges of one all around my body, water ones of course,

"Duck Suneater!"

I yell out, he does what I told him to do and I jump up into the air and do a quick twirl letting the senbons out, hitting multiple enemies and knocking them unconscious. Suddenly I saw Tsukyomi inside of fat gum's stomach like a baby bird. I looked towards Suneater and nod my head,

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