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Edit 2024; 🦋🤺 yall made me do it

He blushes a bit and nods his head. I wanted to discuss with him about Akane's quirk in private. It doesn't help that Mirio and Nejire were still gone. I guess as soon as they saw us get out of the water they left, not bothering to say anything. I was cold and I can imagine that Tamaki was too, the wind was not helping our case either. Luckily we made it to my apartment quickly. Once I open the door Uncle Hizashi tackles me. Tamaki was just standing there, not bothering to help me at all.

"What the hell!"

"Do you have any idea how worried I was! Look at the time it is missy! I thought you were possibly kidnapped. Oh my gosh! Why on earth are you wet?! Both of you?"

I push him off of me and just smile softly at him. He gets up and him and Tamaki hold out a hand to help me ascend from the ground. I took a good look at Uncle Hizashi's face. There was worry plastered all over his face, with a tint of guilt and loss. That's when I broke down and realized how much I've been avoiding people.

I let a few tears roll down my face, and I bring him into a proper hug. Apologizing over and over, guilt rested within me, and he obviously didn't understand why. Uncle Hizashi just hugs me until I let go. I stare into his eyes while mine were still glossy, his face was filled back to normal joy and it was amazing to see it like that once again.

"I'm going to have to tell you, Principal Nezu, and Papa something when we get back to school. Me and Tamaki need to make a discussion, please be there it'll explain why I haven't been myself."

Uncle Hizashi nods his head as he sighs, he then messages both Principal Nezu and Papa about how I needed to talk to them. He smiles and he was glad to have me back.

I then let him know that Tamaki was staying the night. He was okay with it, wiggling his eyebrows and I just roll my eyes. I then quickly dragged the blushing elf boy to my room. I left my phone on the bed, and I can only assume that he started freaking out even more when he had no way of contacting me. I turn it on to see a ton of text messages from him. Mirio had texted me about 5 minutes ago, assuming that I had made it back to my apartment. I quickly took a picture of my middle finger and sent it to him.

I sigh as I walk over to my closet. Since Tamaki and Mirio train here they always have a few clothes here in case they wanna shower before heading home. I tossed Tamaki some dry clothes. I also take off my soaked hoodie and sweatpants. I put on just a hoodie that was dry, luckily Tamaki wasn't looking or else he would've fainted.

I then brought on the topic of how Akane's quirk functions.

"Akane's quirk. Emotional manipulation. I noticed I avoided you for no reason other than self doubt that clouded my mind. I felt like you didn't want to be around me and I started to avoid you. Clearly Akane had some type of control over this. My other question is, how does she even cast it onto a person?"

I started out. Tamaki bites his lip and nods his head.

"Did she touch your wrist at all?"

That's when it clicked in my head. I looked him right in the eyes and he knew. He continues on from what he was starting to say, blushing a bit.

"She has been touching my wrist a lot. I-I also believe she has another quirk because she whispered something into my ear.. 'Stray away from the one you love and focus on me' It's why I've been avoiding you.. I um..."

He covers his face, but I tilted my head, he's been avoiding me because of her. This new information started to make me pissed off and he quickly held onto my wrist so he could explain. He clears his throat as his face begins to turn red.

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