Meet Your Classmates

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Edit: The first paragraph had a contradicting statement and didn't make sense story wise. I went through and edited this chapter as a whole: February 26th, 2022

It's been two weeks ever since Papa was teaching. In that time frame he's expelled a lot of students. When I say expelled I mean that some weren't allowed to enter the school anymore, and some were moved down to rather general studies. It was now Friday, and it was his last day teaching us. At least half of the class have been expelled, leaving only 10 of us in this hero course.

"Now, you all done well. I wish you guys luck in your up coming futures of becoming a hero. It's never easy, imagine the kids that were expelled as heroes who died. Take that and learn from it. They may have been your friend, but now you have to look towards the future. Don't dwell on the past too much. You guys are in class 1-B, you're still in the hero's course, don't think that class 1-A is any better than you are, it's just how things were sorted. Now with that being said, introduce yourselves to each other and pick a class rep. I'm going to take a nap."

With that he got into his yellow sleeping bag. I instantly took lead and introduced myself first.

"Hello fellow classmates! I am Aizawa Y/N, yes this sleeping banana man right there on the ground is my father. Also, no he didn't recommend me into this course because he told me if I wanted it so badly I would go to the entrance exam and work hard for it myself! Anyways, my quirk, water manipulation and erasure of quirks."

I explained to them, they all nodded their heads, and then I tapped on Nejire for her to introduce herself as well. I showed them my water whips and a little water fountain thing that I usually do. I didn't show them the erasure quirk because I'm pretty sure they knew how erasing quirks worked.

"Hi! I'm Hado Nejire! My quirk, is wave motion. I can release my energy into blast waves."

I took the opportunity to place a little can on a table. Nejire then used her quirk and demonstrated how it was used. The class all Applaud at this. Next Mirio stood up.

"Hello everybody. My name is Togata Mirio. My quirk is called Permeation. I can basically walk through things and go underground. I spring up because when I release my quirk all the energy within the ground shoots me up. I uh.. would show you guys, but my clothes don't stay on during the process. Oh, I'll do it in front of this podium."

He quickly goes behind the podium and sinks under ground with his quirk, he then springs back up and makes sure that the podium was blocking the view of his area. He apologizes and puts his clothes back on as quickly as he could. Next a boy with dark pink hair that was scruffy came up to the podium. His eyes were a bright green color, and he wore glasses. He had light colored skin and was relatively as tall as Mirio.

"Hello, I'm Yamamoto Eiji. My quirk is called dragonite. I can breath fire out of my mouth, and have large wings. I can transform into a dragon if I chose to."

Next a girl with long purple braided pig tails stood up. She walks over to the podium, with a little joy to her walk. Her hair matched the color of her eyes and she was very excited to talk.

"Hi! Shina Shiva, my quirk is Ice. It is pretty simple, I can make ice, though I'm not able to use it too well, I can only make little icicles and throw them at people, similar to how senbons work!"

She says with a smile on her face. We all clap, something we've been doing for everyone as they got up. Next another girl stood up. She had short white hair that reached her shoulders. She had darken skin than most of us, and here eyes were a dark brown color. Her voice was pretty deep for a girl, but it was also really smooth.

"I'm Nakamara Asahina, my quirk is dubbed as vocalize, and electric shock. I can use my vocalize to put people to sleep, my electric shock can be used to obviously shock people, and a cool thing is if I put enough in my hands, I can boost myself up high."

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