UA's Sports Festival

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"The sports festival is in a week, so that means no school stuff just training. Get your gym clothes on and meet me in Gym Beta."

Miss Yamaka announces, most of us groan. We all know that it's suppose to be a time to shine and show how we are the best, but last years kinda made it to where it sucked. So we all weren't that excited about it.

It doesn't help that we just came back from the training camp, our class now had 12 people in it. Katri and Hajami had successfully proved themselves in wanting to be future heroes. Miss Yamaka had announced it the last day of camp, after having them fight me and Mirio in a duo battle. As to why me and Mirio, I wouldn't know, I wish she told us, but she kept it to herself. The battle had ended chaotically, I was the only one standing. That's when Miss Yamaka had announced that they were in. The whole class had congratulated them and the Wild Wild Pussycats had brought cake.

"Come on, quit complaining, this is year's challenges will be a lot better. We took out those lame ones like egg drop. You guys should be excited. Come on, chop chop, I'll make you all do ladders if I don't see you moving your asses towards the gym."

This quickly made a few of our classmates terrified and ran towards the gym, I just got up casually and walked in front of Tamaki's desk. Mirio and Nejire had already left for the gym, so it was just me and Tamaki in the class, Miss Yamaka was at the door waiting for us and I waved for her to go. She understood that Tamaki was prone to have panic attacks when thinking of things like this, so she walked away.

"Come on, don't be so shy now. The festival hasn't even started."

I said to him, I then walk over to the side of his desk. He was already clutching his stomach and shaking. I squat down to meet him at eye level, since he was still sitting down. I grab both of his hands away from his stomach and held them in mine. He turns so that he faces me somewhat.

"It's just you and me right now love muffin. Look at me, it's okay."

He slowly looks into my eyes. I could feel his entire body shaking, but I could also see that he was starting to calm down. He then pulls me into his arms and wraps himself around me. I run my fingers through his hair, I kiss his ear softly as I wait for him to calm down. When he calms down, he stands up with me still in his arms, he gently puts me on the ground and smiles softly.

"T-thank you.."

I knew what he was thanking me for, and I was glad to help him. I grab his hand softly and make our way to Gym Alpha. He was still shaking a little bit but not as bad. I then let go of his hand so we could change into our gym clothes.

~~~~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~~~

We were waiting for the year 1's sports festival to end. Currently we were in a locker room that was designated to our class. Dressed up in our gym uniforms as we all knew that we couldn't wear our hero suits. I was also required to take off my weights that I've been wearing. I was currently taking them off right now,

"You still wear weights?"

I heard Mirio ask as I take off one of my ankle weights,

"Helps with training, plus Hawks said it'll soon eventually make it to where I can carry tons of people at once without a problem."

I explain as I take the other weight on my ankle off, I could see Shina staring at me, her eyes were wide,

"You mean to tell me, you've been wearing those this whole time?!"

She exclaims out loud. I remember sparring her once and easily lifting her up and slamming her to the ground.


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