Sudden Emotion Change

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"Shut up Mirio before I beat you into the fucking ground!"

I swore loudly. Something I didn't do often, but right now it felt as if it was needed. Right now we were in class training. Today was a sparring day. Our Teacher Miss Yamaka assigned us partners.

Right now Mirio said something that pissed me off and he knew that it did. He was just trying to fire me up. Mirio being my best friend since the third grade, knew exactly what to say, to cause my anger to go up. He knew I attacked more inaccurately when pissed off. The only downside to him pissing me off would be I could pack a punch. The sparring consisted of us using our quirks. We were wearing our hero suits to prevent Mirio from flashing. My hair was put up into a pony tail to avoid people from knowing when my quirk was used since my hair floats up. Right now I had the goggles over my eyes to prevent Mirio from seeing when I did activate my secondary quirk. His only tell would be my hair floating up, but even then I put my hair up into a high pony tail.

I saw Mirio sink into the ground and I activated my water whips. I waited for him to spring up and in a few seconds he did from behind, I activated my secondary quirk to prevent him from dodging my attack. I used my whips to wrap around him and slam him towards the ground. I blinked within those few seconds and he activated his quirk to prevent himself from getting slammed. I curse silently to myself, suddenly I felt a punch that was mostly used to knock off my goggles, they came off. He uppercutted me from the underground. I glared at him. He knew when my quirk was activated because of the color of my eyes as well, they would turn into this Neon Blue type color. He started to rush at me and I came up with a plan to pin him down. I faked using my whips and the phased right through him, he goes in for a punch and he was about to hit me and at the last second I activated my quirk and grab his arm. I flip him over and pin him down, my eyes staying open the whole time. He struggles for a bit before tapping out.

"Nice job, y/n. Finally you beat me."

He says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and get off of him. As I get off of him, he wraps his arm around me. I knew he's been training hard with Sir, and he's been getting a lot stronger, today I was able to close a little bit of the gap growing between us. I could feel him, Nejire and Tamaki all getting stronger, I wasn't too sure about myself. I felt as if they were on a pedestal that I wasn't able to reach, slowly being left behind.

"You've been getting pissed off easily lately, what's the deal?"

I attempt to shove him off me and laugh, but he knew I was faking it. Mirio gives me a look.

Soon the bell rung and we changed back into our normal school uniform. Nejire came up from behind me and was waiting for me to finish getting dressed so that we could head to lunch.

That girl, I learned that her name was Akane Amiee, she was waiting for Tamaki. She's been hanging out with us lately for the past three weeks.. Nejire seemed to like her, then again, Nejire likes everyone. There was something off about her that I couldn't put my finger on and couldn't pin point.

"Hey! Akane!"

Nejire drags me over to her. I smile softly and laugh at Nejire's excitement. We've been eating lunch lately as a group, and Akane sits right next to Tamaki. To say I was getting jealous would be an understatement. It was obvious that she liked him. She was almost obsessed with him. He's been walking her home lately, and it's causing my jealousy to get worse. I felt like he didn't even want to be around me anymore. Just like right now she was flirting with him, right in front of me.

"Tamaki-kun, wouldn't it be nice if I was in the hero's course with you so that we could sit right next to each other and be in the same class?"

I had accidentally gripped my chopsticks too hard, causing it to break, and quickly excused myself. I left the situation before I made it worse than it already was. I threw away the food I had left because I wasn't hungry. How dare she call him by his first name.

His first fucking name.

In Japanese culture it's impolite to call someone by their first name, and often times traditional to be called by your surname. I can't believe that in 3 fucking weeks that bitch is calling him by his first name. It took me and Mirio 3 years to call him by his first name.

I ran outside and sat on the grass, in front of a tree. 3 weeks I've been dealing with her flirting with him. 3 weeks since he's walked home with me and Mirio. 3 weeks since the guy I've liked for a year hasn't talked to me. 3 weeks since I've felt like I messed up. I sat there wondering what I did wrong as I clutch my hair, tears rushing down my face. I felt Mirio sit right beside me, he wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me into a little side hug.

"You're so bad at lying sunshine."

He chuckles softly trying to make light of the situation.

"Did I do something wrong to make him not want to walk home with us?"

I ask, he hasn't been walking home with us ever since we got ice cream together. Mirio rubs my shoulder.

"You know how he is. You know that he's shy. I know he asked you for ice cream and something happened that I don't know of. I think this is his way of avoiding his feelings. Maybe he thinks he'll ruin your guy's friendship?"

I sigh at how right Mirio was. I sniffled a bit, I didn't like the feeling that I had right now. Even with one of my best friends right next to me I felt empty, almost. Soon the bell rang and we left to get back to class. It seemed that Akane walked Tamaki to class, she had brushed me slightly on the arm.

"I don't know what happened at lunch, but I'm sorry. You seemed a bit mad or stressed about something darling. I hope you feel better soon."

She states. She then touches my wrist and I could feel that the anxiety I had earlier worsening by the second. I smile softly at her and thanked her. She then leans super close to me and whispers something only I could hear,

"Why don't you stay away from Tamaki huh? You're not worth his time."

She whispers softly in my ear, I would have given her a weird look, but this weird feeling took place instead, it was as if I wanted to listen to her and that I had to. As soon as I entered the class room I felt this huge weight come crashing down on me. I didn't know what it was, but something felt off about me. I walk to my seat and sit down, Tamaki looks at me and blushes.

"H-hey.. y/n.. I'm sorry if I'm the reason you got mad at lunch.."

He says apologizing, I nodded my head but didn't say much towards him. Class then started up again and all I could hear were negative thoughts surrounding my head. I wasn't able to think straight and I had no idea why. I was trying to write down the notes, but for some reason I didn't have the motivation to do so. I had to force myself to take notes. I avoided looking at Tamaki at all cost, i didn't know why, but it was just something I did.

When the school day ended I left quickly. I didn't even wait for Mirio. I pass through everyone quickly and rushed making my way home. I open the door and close it quickly. I could still hear the voices screaming at me. Papa wasn't home yet, I remember him texting me earlier saying he had to stay behind a little later than usual. I went into my room and closed the door. I sink to the ground and let the water works flow, being thankful that today was a Friday. I couldn't take the fact that Tamaki had been avoiding me for three weeks and now I'm being told that I'm not even worth his time? If the signs didn't point to this being a failed friendship and a relationship that won't happen, I might as well stop while I'm ahead.

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