Moving away

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Y/N POV (Age: 8)

Today was the day that me and papa were moving. I was very upset because I had to leave a good friend of mine behind. Her name was Yumi Asaki. Yumi had bright blonde hair with dark grey eyes. We both manifested our quirks at age 5. Her quirk was ground manipulation, which I found cool! My quirk was something with my eyes. I had no idea what it did, but papa told me he would tell me whenever I get older, so I hope it is soon! I also had another quirk where I could hold water in my hands. It's so cool. Right now I am currently hugging her as boxes were being loaded into a car.

"I'm going to miss you Yumi-Chan!"

I said crying a little bit. Yumi hugs me back tighter.

"I'll miss you too Aizawa!"

We soon depart from one another. I wave her goodbye as Papa starts the moving truck. He had his yellow sleeping bag right in the middle seat, and had my (f/c) sleeping bag right next to his. I quickly get inside of it, leaving the top half unzipped. I put on my seatbelt and then zip up the rest of the sleeping bag. I put it over my head and had my face exposed.

"I'm sorry, my little butterfly. I barely have any friends here and I would prefer to keep you watched whenever I'm out late working."

He kisses my forehead softly and had apologetic eyes. I tilted my head, to which he chuckled at.

"It's otay Papa! You wanna keep me safe from all the bad people right?"

He smiles and nods his head. Thus beginning the moving truck to our new home. Which I was excited for. I watch as the town that we lived in for the past 8 years slowly disappear, and I could feel myself slowly fall asleep.

I woke up to Papa carrying me up some stairs. It seems as though he was talking to someone.

"Thanks for the help Hizashi. I didn't expect you to actually be helpful."

I heard Papa's voice. I then heard a higher pitched voice respond back.

"It's no problem Shota! Man, your little girl sure picks up on your sleeping bag habit. It's actually adorable!"

The other voice said. I wiggle a bit like a warm and bring out a juice pack that I had in my sleeping bag. It was pretty warm, but I was thirsty. Papa saw that I was up and continued carrying me, he put his finger to his lip and I nodded my head. It seemed as if he wanted to carry me as an excuse not to bring up any more of our stuff.

"This should be the last of it. Would you like to come inside and help us unpack? It'd be great help. Especially since this little one isn't all that strong, yet."

I heard the other man agree. I was then placed on a couch. I unzip myself from my sleeping bag and pull on my Papa's hand. I hid behind him as I saw a tall blonde guy with glasses on. He also had speakers around his neck as an added feature.

"Awe, you must be Aizawa y/n! I'm Yamada Hizashi. Please call me uncle Hizashi!"

He said a bit too cheery. I looked up at Papa and he nodded his head. He then turns and squats to look at me.

"This is one of the guys who will watch over you when I'm working late okay? So you'd have to get used to his annoying voice."

I heard a gasp from the other man making me giggle. Papa then showed me to my new room which I was excited for. It had an assortment of butterflies that were different colors. My bed sheets were pastel colors. I also had a little desk in the corner. I saw a few boxes in my room and I instantly went to go unpack those. When I got finished I broke the boxes down and went out into the living room and placed them down. I then asked if I could help any. I saw Papa shrug his shoulders as he pointed to the boxes that needed to be broken down.

"So, Shota. Did she manifest any quirks yet?"

"Yeah. Both mine and one of her mother's quirk."

I heard papa say proudly, as him and uncle Hizashi were putting up plates and bowls. I then heard them whispering about something else, and I didn't have a clue as to what it was.

"Does she know?"

"No. I intend to keep it that way until she's enters UA high."

This naturally peeked my interest, but it was obvious to me, that I shouldn't know yet. I started to yawn while breaking down the boxes, I turned on the TV to the news and saw a pro hero known as All Might saving people.


I heard them both place down things quickly and rush over to the TV. I stared in awe as he rescued a lot of people. I started smiling, I then pointed to the TV.

"I want to be a hero! Just like you and All Might, Papa!"

I heard him chuckle and mess with my hair.

"You'd have to train hard, but I believe in you, little one."

Papa said with a smile on his face. I could see Uncle Hizashi pumping his fist in the air.

"Ya! Ya! Little Y/N! You can do it!"

He said making me giggle a little. I put my legs in my sleeping bag. I kept the news on while I broke down more boxes. Soon enough I got tired, I called it quits for the day and zipped up my sleeping bag and fell asleep on the floor with a pile of broken down boxes right next to me.

An: welcome to the start of something new that I'm doing! Yes an xreader against little cinnamon roll, Tamaki. I've gotten into the verse of my hero academia and I'm in love with the story. I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic and if there is anything I can fix to help you understand something better, please go ahead and tell me what is wrong! Thank you all for the support!

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