Third Year

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It was finally here our last year in both high school and at UA. Over time Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire and I were all working hard in our work studies. Me and Tamaki also went on many dates together, and they've all been super fun and romantic. Next month will the official year mark between me and him and I couldn't be any happier.

The whole class grew stronger as whole, but us four were the most notable ones. Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire were labeled the big three, while I got the label of class rep and Top student overall. Everyone knew that I disliked labels, so they tried to avoid roping me in with them, but naturally we became The Big Three and the Top Student, combo.

I avoided media as much as possible, similar to how papa would. There were multiple reasons as to why I did. My missions with Hawks have been getting more dangerous, but they did go by quicker. Our last mission only lasted a week as he needed me to go back to school. He was starting to trust me more and more, he even told me he wanted me to work at his agency after graduation. I would have to discuss with Tamaki on what we would do, as we both wanted to be pro heroes. I believe me and him could make it work. Hawks said he would have me work on missions that would last a few weeks and after I would get a lot of days off. This was because of how his agency worked compared to others.

Nejire was excited to discover that her and the boys were known so well. They all did go to really well agencies. Today was one our first day of our third year and Miss Yamaka had a long speech for us.

"Congratulations on you 12 for making it this far on your academic and hero journey. Your next step is actually going out there and become someone's sidekick. Or if you're strong enough create your own agency. There is nothing wrong with teaming up either, so if your quirk requires some teamwork then go for it. I'll be your biggest supporter. That goes for all of you, no matter where you go and what you do, I'll always be here and I'll always support you. Now that you guys are close to becoming actual heroes, your classes will now be over financials, hero duties, interviews, and much more. Your classes will revolve around the hero world as you all passed your first and second year of actual school work. If I catch any of you lacking I will pull your ear and make you run 20 ladders. This goes for if I see you lacking as a hero, don't think that just because your ass is a hero I won't embarrass you, that goes for you Lin."

The class laughed a bit. It was good to know that Miss Yamaka will always be there for us.

"After lunch, be prepared I'm not going easy."

This left all of us confused as the bell rang for lunch. As we went to lunch I saw papa grumbling about his first years. The four of us went up to him and decided to annoy him even more.

"Come on, they can't be that bad."

I said to him and he just glares at me causing me to laugh. My hand was interlaced with Tamaki's and he had a shy smile on his face.

"I have a boy who doesn't know how to use his quirk, a girl that is invisible, a boy who has an inferiority complex, a girl who has confidence issues, a grapist, shall I go on?"

He sputtered out his class's issues as we all went into his office for lunch. We all packed our lunches today knowing how loud it'll be due to the first years being amazed.

"You love them already if I wasn't so certain Mr Aizawa!"

Mirio jokes. This caused me and Nejire to laugh along as we sat down on his couch that he had in his office.

"They're a handful and half the time I'm worried about running into the invisible girl."

"Why don't you just use your quirk on her and ya know... Unvisible her?"

Nejire asks. He just looks at her weirdly,

"And shes one of the big three?"

All of us were laughing even Nejire. We continued eating our lunch as Papa just groans about having to go back to his class.

"I'm surprised you didn't expel any of them. They all must be worthy."

I point out, he then looks at me,

"I almost expelled one boy. Izuku Midoriya. He doesn't know how to use his quirk fully. It's almost like it just manifested or something. The rest of them are something as well. Each and every one of them has what it takes to be a hero. With how crime is starting to build up again, I'm sure we'll need more than just you four big hot shots and your classmates. With that in mind, this is your last year, I hope you all have plans on where to go from here."

We all nodded our heads. Then the bell rang for us to get back to class and that's what we did. We waved Papa goodbye and got started on our own training exercises. Miss Yamaka had an evil smile on her face, and we all knew she was up to something.

"Listen here you little shits, as much as I enjoy each and every one of you, I still have the authority to expel you when I please, similar to what eraser did at the beginning of your guy's first year. Get dressed in your gym uniforms. Meet me at gym alpha. It's time to see how far each and every one of you has come. If you come below my expectations that may result in expulsion or extra training, lead by me. Get to it."

//Howdy all! Author here. I just wanted to let you know that I'm starting to get into the manga/anime of the show with Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki being the big three and Aizawa getting injured a lot. So as of right now some chapters will slowly have the events of the manga, while also having my own events occurring. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as I had fun writing this one and the next!

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