Fallen Heroes

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I awoke from the hospital room with Tamaki right next to me. Papa was as well and so was Mirio, Nejire, and Uncle Hizashi. Once they noticed I was awake, Mirio placed his head on the other side of me and held onto my shoulder. Tamaki was holding onto my hand, he was shaking. I could feel him shaking my hand, I could even see the tears that were going down his face. Ever since I woke up he's had his hand in mine. I could see the bags underneath his eyes, proving that he hadn't gotten much sleep.

I looked towards my feet and there Hawks, Tokoyami, and Yaoyorozu were there. I saw Papa had a new scar on his eye, it was added onto his scar that he already had from the USJ attack that happened when he protected his students. I had a bad feeling in my gut, Aunt Nemuri wasn't here, and typically she would be here even if she was in a hospital gown. I decided to ask the dreaded question of where she was,

"A-Aunt Nemuri... where is she?"

I could suddenly feel the room get heavier. Hawks got up from the seat he was in and had me look into his eyes. He was all bandaged up, his wings were gone, I assumed they were growing back but I couldn't be too sure. I don't know how his quirk works.

"Kid, this type of stuff will happen a lot when becoming a hero and facing a great enemy that not even us pro heroes can defeat."

I tilted my head as I snapped my head towards Papa, who had tears going down his face, and so did Uncle Hizashi. My heart sunk, the heart monitors started beeping fast,

"No, no. No no no no no."

I started to breath harder I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Tamaki gets up out of the chair and wraps his arms around me as I cry into his shirt. Mirio and Nejire come in for the hug as well as the four of us hold each other close and cry. Midnight was someone important to all of us. I could hear rattling of a handcuff and the three of them release me. I look to see Yaoyorozu holding one of midnight's handcuffs.

My eyes widen, as she hesitantly walks towards me,


Yaoyorozu begins. I stop her by pulling her into a hug. I hold the creation girl close to me, I had gotten close to her recently as she came to me in hopes that I could help boost her confidence. She was also recommended by papa to come to me. I liked to say I've helped her out a lot, both with boy issues and being confident with her quirk.

"There's nothing we could've done, Y/N. We were fighting in the front lines when the back lines got attacked."

I heard Papa say as he chokes on his tears, I could hear Uncle Hizashi hug him close. I let go of Yaoyorozu and she hands me one of the handcuffs. She was going to give me both but I told her to keep the other one. I then get pulled into a longer hug with Tamaki, I laid my head into Tamaki's shoulder and let out a scream.


The heart monitor was going off like crazy and the nurses came rushing in and made sure I was okay before trying their best to settle me down. Papa let them know that I just discovered a death that hit close to home.

"She was like a mother to me. The only woman figure I could rely on and she's gone..."

Tamaki was rubbing my back and Mirio brought me into a hug. Mirio had also gone through the death of someone close to him, he understood how upset I was. I let go of Tamaki and forced myself out of bed. He was trying to keep me down, but I eventually stood up. I looked at my father and Uncle Hizashi. I pulled them into a hug it was a hug the three of us needed. They've lost a lot too. They accepted the hug and lifted me up so I wasn't standing. They held me close, and I didn't want to let go,

"You two... better not.. plan on leaving me.. too.."

Most of the people within this room knew of my mother leaving. They also knew how hard the death of Aunt Nemuri affected me. Papa and Uncle were also devastated, they already buried one friend and now they have to bury another. Papa puts me back in the bed. Uncle Hizashi kisses my forehead. I was set back onto the bed and was still crying.

"Sunshine.. you have to smile. Midnight wouldn't want you here being upset, she would want you to be happy and proud of her victory in saving people. She would want you to go on with a smile. She left too early, but so did Sir. You'll get through this, don't forget her. Live for her."

Mirio says rubbing my back. I nodded my head. Wiping away the tears coming down my face. I took one of the handcuffs and put it on my (your dominant hand) wrist. Hawks walks up to my bedside with Tokoyami.

"Hey kid. I'm so proud of your bravery out there. Without you, me and Tokoyami probably wouldn't have made it out. As much as I would've liked for you the two of you to stay with Fatgum, Tokoyami, I'm glad the two of you took charge. EraserHead not now, punish him later."

Hawks said as we all saw Papa's head snap up to glare at Tokoyami. We all know how much Papa didn't like it when students disobey their orders. This was all for protection sake. He did it to ensure that his students were safe, and I knew this. I grabbed Tokoyami's hand,

"He won't be too harsh on you."

I then suddenly felt all the pain in my body. Every bone in my body, every skin with nerves, everything, the pain was so much.

"Oh my- fuck gosh. Someone get me some pain killers-"

This was worse than the time I was smashed into multiple buildings from that Nomu. At least this time I wasn't unconscious for a while. I could feel something within my body open up and I felt a warm liquid start to come out of that opening.

"Tamaki- Get a nurse! Everyone out."

I heard Papa say, Hawks saw what was happening and used his quirk to cover everyone's eyes and quickly escorted everyone out of the room. I could see Papa rushing to my side and holding on to the opening.

"I got stitches?"

He nods his head and kisses my forehead. It looked like he was panicking, which was something I didn't see within his eyes often. Soon a nurse came rushing in and so did a doctor. The monitors weren't going off which confused them and papa steps away and lets the staff do what they needed to do.

"I apologize, Miss Aizawa, this is going to hurt really bad, here's this rag to bite on to."

The nurse hands me a rag and I instantly put it in my mouth. They begin to stitch back the broken stitches. All I could feel was the needle threading in and out. It was painful. But it's not as painful as getting stabbed or being smashed into buildings. However I was still screaming, that's when I noticed one person refused to leave this room,

My one and only. Tamaki. I could feel him grabbing my hand and holding on to it. I squeezed his hand, and he had accidentally activated his quirk, causing it to harden. As well as some cherry blossoms popping out of him. I don't think he expected me to squeeze this hard. Once the pain was gone I let go of Tamaki's hand and smile softly at him. He looks at me and blushes, he thought of something,

"I-is.. is this what it's going to be like when you give birth?"

I blushed hard, I didn't think of kids any time in our future, but I can tell he was. The doctor started to chuckle a bit, nodding her head.

"It might be that, but she'll probably break the crab arm you had when she gripped hard."

Tamaki just smiles and I just looked away, blushing like a mad man. The doctor then documents the stitches getting torn and being restitched. They put some antibiotics on the wound as well, to make sure it doesn't get infected. Then the doctor goes outside and tells everyone what happened.

"You want kids.. with me?"

I questioned. He grabs both of my hands softly and puts his forehead against mine.

"I-I.. of course I do, butterfly.. I love you and you're the love of my life.. sometime in the future when things start to cool down.. I wouldn't mind.. if we- if we uh.. have kids.."

I smile at him and kiss his lips. He kisses back and smiles within it.

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