Hawks' training

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Hawks called for me to leave the school for a week. He needed us to talk because we never met in person before. So here I was, near his agency which was located in a secluded area. Before I could enter I heard someone's feet softly land on the ground. For some reason my body told me to relax and to not worry, even though my brain was telling me to whip around and look to see who was there.

"You're Eraser Head's kid right?"

I turn around to see the great man himself. Hawks stood there with a smirk of his face. His vermillion wings were lowered a bit since he just landed, he used his quirk to grab my luggage for me. I bow and nod my head.

"That is me, you are correct sir. Pleasure to be working along side you. My name is Aizawa Y/N. Please call me MizuChu."

I ask him respectfully. He nods his head, he then opens the door and instantly takes me to indoor training facility.

"Change into your hero costume, and come back here when you're done."

I nod my head. I quickly changed into my costume. I've had a few items added on, one of them being gloves that helped aim my water more precisely if need be. The thumb and pointer finger were left bare. I slip on my boots and quickly make my way towards the training facility. Hawks stood in the middle, he had his hero suit on as well and had taken off his signature jacket.

"Show me them wings, kid."

"Yes sir."

I exclaimed. I then focused my quirk to my wings. I held my hands together and then let go of them and swung them upward, this caused my wings to fly out. They were water wings of course, he walks over to me, he touches them and his finger goes through them. His eyes widen in amusement at seeing the wings I had. Sure he may have seen them on TV but they're much more detailed and fascinating in person. He puts his finger to his chin and questions me,

"Can you change the size of them?"

"I can go large and small. This is my medium size."

"Go small."

I shrunk my wings down to a smaller size, they were the size of my shoulder length. He then put a bracelet on me. It was a weight, I've had these put on me enough times by papa to know what they are.

"I've had students be able to control their wing size, but often times they would feel as if the weight they are is too much. In this exercise I want you to maintain the same wing size, these are 20 kilograms of weight. Use your small wings and fly around this course, this bracelet will ding each time you go through a hoop. As you get use to your small wings, the bigger your wings are the faster and stronger your other sizes will be."

He pressed a button and an obstacle course started.

"Prove to me that I made the right choice in choosing you. Complete the course in under 10 minutes."

He pressed a stop clock and set the course into motion. I began as quickly as I could, I let my wings carry me. I admit it was hard, I had to go up and down quickly, while also turning my body to the side. I even had to dodge some weapons. Overall I finished in 9 minutes and 55 seconds.

"Hm. Good job."

He says softly. We then started to train with fighting in the air. He has my run the course two more times. I kept on reaching 9 minutes and 55 seconds. This surprised him because I was consistent with my timings. Each time I ran the course the weight increased slightly. He then takes off the weights and puts it back at 20 kilos.

"Sometimes your opponent will beat you up as you're carrying them throughout the air, they don't care how high up you go, all the care about is knocking you off balance and potentially hurting you. Let's fight."

I gasp, and he then flies me up in the air, we then started fighting in midair. He first swings his leg to attempt to kick me in the gut, I swiftly move out of the way, getting hit in the arm. He kept on throwing punches and kicks at me. I was getting hit, but I was able to dodge slightly. He punched with his left arm, and I duck underneath it, and grab his right arm, I twisted it, and he grabs my whole body and attempts to slam me into the ground with a lot of force. We were flying at a high speed towards the ground, and at the last second I added more water to my wings, I scream out in anger and flip us over and was able to out power him.

I slammed him forcefully into the ground and pin his arms behind him. He tries to get out, and I twisted his arms roughly. He smirks at me, and taps the ground. I get off of him and he smiles softly at me. I could feel my vision starting to darken, I felt Hawks pick me up and carry me.

"Don't push yourself too hard, it is training. You did good today though. Keep the weights on to help you in training. Increase them by 5 every two weeks."

I nod my head, and took deep breaths. He sets me down on a bed and gives me some water. I sit up and take the water. He nods his head at me.

"Your dad has you training hard doesn't he?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"I push myself more than anything. I want to be strong, and I train with my friends as much as I can. I actually have ankle weights on right now, I also have a weight wrapped around my stomach."

I explain to him. He nods his head.

"I respect your effort kid. I'm always doing some type of mission, I'll try and get you to tag along if they aren't three month long missions. I think you're strong and powerful. If we do go on a mission, I demand you to take the weights off, deal?"

He holds out his hand and I shake it,


With this I lay down and start to fall asleep, he sets an alarm for the next morning session and leaves the room we were in. I was so exhausted to shower, but I'll take one in the morning.

Hawks woke me up by pouring water on my head. I glare at him as he smirks.

"Let's get training on your speed with more weights. If you wanna be as fast as me you gotta work hard."

I nod my head, there goes the shower in the morning idea. Instead I got my hero suit on and started training with Hawks. Eventually we transferred from flying to rescue. He gave me a quick tutorial on how his feathers worked,

"I'm able to control these bad boys by thinking through on what I want to do. You obviously have control over your water and I bet you guys have yet to do any rescue training. In this exercise I want you to focus your water on carrying that dummy over there, first we'll do it to where you wrap your water around his waist, eventually it'll be to where you carry him using a platform. Depends on the situation and how much time you have. The waist is if it needs to be quick, the platform is if you have enough time. You might need to do both, but let's just practice one at a time, alright?"

I nod my head and trained picking up the dummy. It slipped out of my grip a few times and I sat on the ground thinking of how I can manipulate water into staying around it. I was able to hold people by the wrist with my whips. So I concentrated on what I do with my whips and transferred it over to what I needed to do here. I succeeded and brought the dummy towards Hawks. He smiles at me, we've been doing rescue training for three hours and I was getting the hang of it. He had continuously do it with multiple dummies.

Later that day we were able to go out and rescue actual people, he would always beat me to it and I had to follow behind him. That's when I learned that the villains waste no time in waiting for heroes to come by, they try to get things done as fast as they can. That's why speed is important when it comes to a hero who lives in a big city.

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