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Once I get dressed from taking my bath I tell Hawks that I would be heading home. But of course he made me do a quick medical check up and then sent me home, finally. I walk to the train station and get on board. I sit down and relax a bit, the train then arrived at my station and I exit as fast I could. I also almost ran home, it was about dinner time, and it started to get dark out.

I walk up the stairs and as I open the door to the apartment, I saw Aunt Nemuri, Uncle Hizashi, and Papa on the couch watching a new episode of the Bachelor. I roll my eyes and silently close the door. I then start to walk to my room silently and decided to say something to Papa,

"Hey Papa, I'm home."

He waves casually, knowing that a ruckus was going to start as soon as the other two noticed, I put my bags in my room and walk back out, only to be tackled by both Aunt Nemuri and Uncle Hizashi. At this point I was used to being tackled to the ground in my own home, but still, that doesn't make it not hurt any less.

"Oowwiieee... guys I just got back from a mission.. get off, you both are so fat and heavy!"

I yell out from underneath them both. The both squeezed me into a hug and got off.

"Sorry we just missed ya so much!"

Uncle Hizashi explains, I saw Papa get up and start to make some of my favorite tea, (f/t: favorite tea or drink). Aunt Nemuri pokes at a bruise on my arm.

"Geez just what was this mission anyways. You were gone for a month, you'll have a lot of work to catch up on. Luckily your old man over here can basically teach you, we gave him the materials you would need for the past month. Would you look at those bags, you're starting to really become your old man."

I rub my arm where she poked it, ignoring her comment about my bags. I walk over to the kitchen bar thing and sat down on a tall chair,

"You hear that old man, looks like you're in charge of teaching me."

"Dont tempt me child, I'll make sure you learn everything in 3 days instead of a month. But I won't hurt your tiny bird brain too much, I can have you learn everything in a week."

He says confidently, I frown and he just laughs. When he says he'll do something he will actually do it and I was not excited to learn a months worth of school within a week. Aunt Nemuri sits right next to me and had a smile on her face,

"Oh no, what happened."

I say out loud, usually that smile means rather something erotic or she's actually happy, which most of the time knowing this R-rated hero was because of the erotic things.

"What! I was just coming over to sit next to you."

I gave her a look and she finally broke,

"UA is hosting a dance. It's dubbed as 'homecoming' like they do in the Americas. There'll be a court where each year has to elect four individuals to be royalty basically. It's next week and voting starts on Monday."

I roll my eyes. That just meant that each class had to help set up certain things for homecoming. I wasn't too excited about this homecoming thing, they had it last year but I got sick and wasn't able to go. This prevented Mirio and Tamaki to go as well because they didn't want to go without me. Nejire had a beauty pageant the weekend of last years. I knew all about homecoming and was hoping that it passed whenever I was gone. I don't know why but it's just that I didn't like dresses all that much.

"That means dress shopping!"

She exclaims a bit loudly in my ear, I look towards Papa and he just shrugs his shoulders, not even bothering to help. I really wanted him to say that it was useless to go, but instead he doesn't say anything.

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