First Day

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Mirio, Amajiki, and I were all walking to UA high. It was spring time, so the cherry blossoms were blooming. I would smile at the sight of seeing them. Something about seeing the Cherry Blossoms bloom made me smile.

"Hey isn't your dad the main hero's course teacher?"

I heard Mirio ask, I tilted my head. I guess he was. I wasn't sure, I typically didn't ask about what he would do at the school. We've come to terms with not asking about school because most of the time I would just throw my homework at him and he would throw paperwork back at me. I've also realized that some stuff is classified when it came to UA, or at least his side of things. I shrugged my shoulders and Mirio just smiles. He then takes out his phone and takes a photo of the three of us.

"Mirio, I swear. If you post that anywhere I won't hesitate to break your phone again."

"Must you always be so violent, Aizawa-Chan?"

I heard Amajiki ask. I smirk towards him and he just squeaks and looks at the ground.

"I woke up today and chose violence."

I stated as we continued walking towards the school. We soon made it to the building, and this is where we saw a girl with really long periwinkle colored hair. She was standing in awe looking at the building. We walk up to her and casually introduce ourselves to her.

"Hi I'm Togata Mirio! Pleased to meet you!"

Mirio says as he sticks out his hand, she smiles brightly and giggles, she shakes his hand and then goes to shake Amajiki's and mine.

"Whoa there, hi, I'm Aizawa Y/N. This shy guy right here is Amajiki Tamaki."

I introduced her to us. She then touched my hair, which was up in a ponytail tail right now.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Your hair is so soft! What shampoo and conditioner do you use? Is it naturally this dark? Why do you have bags under your eyes, is that a sleeping bag on the side of your backpack! Oh! I forgot to introduce myself to you guys! I'm Hado Nejire, please just call me Nejire!"

I raised my eyebrow at her and started laughing. This girl was honestly adorable, I check the time on my phone and saw we had 10 minutes to get to class.

"Nejire, if you don't mind me asking, what class are you in?"

"Oh I'm in Class 1-B! I'm in the hero's course! How about you three?"

She asks as she tilts her head, I let her know that we were also in that class. She jumps excitedly and locks me and her arms together. I didn't mind, she was very friendly and it seemed like I made a new friend. Finally a friend that was a girl, don't get me wrong, I love having my two best friends be guys, but they don't understand some girl things at times. We then made our way to Class 1-B. As we stepped through the doors I could feel eyes on all four of us, for some reason lots of people heard the rumor about how my name and some other girl's name got mixed up. As to how that got out so quickly really amazed me, and I'm surprised Nejire didn't ask about it. Rather she didn't know, or just forgot to ask.

We enter through a rather large door. I looked on the chart and discovered that Mirio, Amajiki, Nejire, and I were sat near each other. We sat in the all the way on the left away from the door. I sat in the front desk while Mirio sat behind me. To my right was Amajiki, and behind him was Nejire. I almost felt bad for the poor boy, I'd imagine she would ask him a lot of questions. I could see Amajiki tense up as we sat down. I leaned over to him.

"What's the matter Amajiki?"

I ask as I reach my hand towards him, I gave him a little bit of water to cool his warm hand down. He was visibly shaking.

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