Moving into the dorms

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Due to the recent events of the training camp gone wrong, All Might's retirement, and my own mother attacking us at my house, it was decided to put in action an idea Principal Nezu had for the longest time. That was to put forth the dormitory idea. Papa definitely felt a bit more at ease because our window was broken and Penelope kept trying to go outside. They let me have Penelope within the dorm room and I was glad about that.

Naturally it would be separated by years and class. Me, Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio were all on the second floor of dorm 3-B.

We all helped each other set up our rooms. Currently we were working on Mirio's room. We had put up some posters that he really enjoyed having on his wall. He also had some photos of the four of us. Most of them were me and Mirio as children with Tamaki being camera shy. I always felt as if Mirio was an older brother to me and it felt good to have him around. Tamaki I've always had an interest for and I'm glad we're together.

"Hey hey! Did you guys hear about those two first years that fought?"

Nejire asks as she hangs up some of Mirio's clothes on hangers. Mirio was folding some of his clothes to go in the drawers that he brought. Tamaki was helping me put things on the wall.

"Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou right?"

I questioned and she just nodded her head. I was on top of a chair pinning something up high, when I somehow slipped. I squealed a little bit causing Nejire and Mirio to glance over at in fear of me getting injured. Naturally, Tamaki caught me and was now holding me bridal style,

"Y-youre so clumsy bunny.."

He says softly into my ear. I blush a little bit and held my arms around his neck. I smile brightly at him and thanked him. We then heard a cough at the door and all of us turned our heads.

"No surprise I'd find the four of you working together to set up a room."

Tamaki puts me down and blushes hard upon seeing papa. I smile at Papa, while Nejire and Mirio wave. He waved back and noticed Penelope walking around and picks her up. He pets the black cat on her stomach and smiles softly.

"I have a request for the four of you. Could you come by my class tomorrow and talk about work studies? Bakugou and Midoriya should be back in class by then."

He asks of us. We all nod our heads agreeing to help get the word about work studies.

"Say, Papa. This class of yours.. most of them got their licenses as first years ya?"

He nods his head. Then takes a deep breath. He checks outside the dorm room before closing it. He motions for all of us to take a seat, to which we did. Nejire and I took the bed as a seat, and Mirio and Tamaki sat on the ground in front of us. I held Tamaki's hand as a habit as papa begins to speak.

"Call it a gut feeling if you will, but All Might's retirement has made it to where villains are popping up more and more. I feel as if there is a greater threat upon us and it's looming all over our heads and we don't even know about it. We need more heroes out there more than ever. I need you four to be at the top and be the best heroes that you can be."

We all nodded our heads. We had to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. We knew our time here at UA was ending and it was going to be cut short, according to papa. Or at least that's what it was sounding like. He walks over and ruffles my hair before leaving.

After he left we went to Tamaki's room and then Nejire's. Both rooms were pretty simple and quick to set up. With my room it took a little bit as we were exhausted and wanted to get things over with.

In one corner there was a cat tree for Penelope along with water and a food bowl for her. I had put her food high up so she wouldn't get into it without me feeding her. I didn't need her getting huge and being impossible to lift. In another corner was my desk, it had little butterfly lights around it that were indigo. As for my bed it was plain and simple. Black with butterflies on the side.

My pictures were arranged on a board. I had different boards for the different pictures I had. Obviously the one that was heart shaped had pictures of me and Tamaki. There was one shaped like a star, and that was Nejire's and then one shaped like the sun, for Mirio. Some pictures had the three of us which were separated from the individual ones. I pick up one photo and smile softly.

"This was when we first got Penelope."

In the photo there was a little girl with a baby kitten. Her father was crouched down next to her and was smiling softly at the two small creatures in front of him. Nejire squeals at the cuteness and Mirio smiles, chuckling a little bit.

After a little bit my room was finally finished, it had a butterfly theme going on and I loved it. As soon as we were finished we headed down stairs. Almost everybody was downstairs in the common area. It was a bit late to make dinner, so Pizza was ordered. That's when I started to make a list of floors and having certain days where one person from each floor makes dinner for the class. Since there was only 12 of us, I figured it wouldn't be too hard.

Once everybody came down, I stood on the counter to grab everyone's attention.

"Alrighty guys, we have school tomorrow so that means bed time is at 10. Lights off officially at 11. As for cooking dinner, I have made a schedule of which floor will be buying food for the month, and who will be cooking on what days. I believe this will make things simple and easy, if anyone has objections please let me know!"

They all hummed in response as the paper got passed around. I also noted when people's birthday's were and had them request their favorite food for that day. I also made sure that the birthday person doesn't cook the week of their birthday. Things were slowly starting to calm down, but for some reason I still feel as if I'm being watched. I know it's not Tamaki because my water has gotten used to him staring. It was a foreign presence. I let it go for now.

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