Long awaited Epilogue

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AN QUICK EDIT AAAHHH: yes I decided to give this story an epilogue. It's not much but I hope you all enjoy. Thank you so much to old readers and new readers finding this story! I appreciate all the love!

"I am so going to kick your butt for that Emi!"

An older brother yelled at his younger sister. The older brother had indigo colored eyes and elf like ears. His hair was shaded the same color as his mothers it was short and curly. While the girl had the same eyes as her mother and indigo colored hair similar to her father's. Her hair was long and a bit wavy.

She had splashed some water in his face simply because he wouldn't move out of the way, to say he started this whole ordeal would be an understatement. Right now they were running within a big yard, the backyard screen was opened and another sibling emerged. She had her hair half and half along with her eyes, she had elf ears like her father.

"Come on you two, what did mom say about using quirks to chase each other?"

She said shyly. She didn't want to her younger siblings to get into trouble because they wouldn't listen to their mother.. again. The two ignored their eldest siblings and she just sighs. The boy had his father quirk and was using it to grow wings to chase after the younger sister who was using water wings to fly away. They were both close to the ground, so she activated her quirk causing them to both fall and lay in the grass. She instantly went over to them and made sure they were okay.

"Come on Nemuri-nee-Chan! You said we weren't allowed to use quirks but you did exactly that!"

The boy complained. The older sister started to panicking a bit. A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked up to see a blonde man standing over her. The said blonde man was instantly tackled by the other two and engulfed into hugs.

"You guys have a lot of energy! But come on shower up before your mom and grandpa get home! You don't want them to be mad do ya?"

The two younger siblings shake their heads. They instantly started to run to their bathrooms to grab a shower. The eldest siblings and the blonde were still outside as he wraps an arm around her.

"Come on, let's go finish cooking with your dad."

"T-thank you Uncle Mirio."

She said shyly as he did help her with her two loud extroverted siblings. The two walk inside to see her father cooking. Knowing that they would have extra guest tonight he was cooking a lot. The girl starts helping her father with the cooking. Mirio too helps with cooking, while Nejire was setting up the dinning table.

"So just to be clear we have about 12 people joining us tonight? Also Mirio, where are the twins?"

Nejire asks as she counts out on her fingers how many people were going to be at dinner tonight.

"I-I believe so... I'm not sure if Hitoshi is bringing his girlfriend over or not, but add in an extra plate for her.. knowing my lovely wife she probably pushed for him to bring her..."

He says sarcastically while also smiling at the thought of his wife. He knew she was out shopping with her father at the moment, they decided to have this big dinner party to celebrate life and to have everyone over. Things have gotten hectic ever since children have came into the picture and spending time with each other have gotten harder. But since Mirio and Nejire's twins were between the ages of Tamaki's and Y/N's middle child and youngest.

"Night and Sol are probably in the playroom... i-i did ask them to be in there and not get dirty.."

The eldest Amajiki sibling had stated. Her father smiles at her and hugs her softly. He knew she was like him and he sometimes felt bad that his anxiety had passed down to her, but with his wife being around and helping their oldest stay confident it had helped a bunch. He started to reminisce the day they brought her home. She had a little purple blanket with f/c butterflies all over. He was beyond a nervous wreck, and was worried about dropping her, feeding her, changing her, and even playing with her. It was his wife that helped him getting through the anxiety of having children.

Speaking of wife, the front door could be heard opening. She had a wide smile on her face and he was glad to see it. He could hear two pairs of footsteps running towards the door. Their two youngest kids engulfed their mother in a hug and she hugged them both. He was standing inside the kitchen and leaned a bit on the wall, drying his hands and smiling. Luckily his eldest had turned everything off.

"Emi, Shika. Glad to see you two all showered up."

The mother said pinching the cheeks of her son and daughter. They then went to their grandpa and gave him a hug as well. He was able to easily lift the two. The mother with h/c and h/l walked up to her shyest kid and gives her a soft hug. She kisses her daughter on the cheek causing her to get flustered.

"Did you help your father with dinner? It smells so delicious."

She said praising the bi-haired color girl. The girl blushes furiously and nods her head. The mother chuckles a bit, then she calls for everyone to get seated at the dining table. Two twins come rushing down the stairs to greet their aunt as well. The twins had Nejire's hair but Mirio's eyes. They sat close to the other kids leaving room for whoever else hasn't been seated. As everyone gets in their seat, Hitoshi and his girlfriend walk in to take their seat as well.

"Y/n, love can you help me serve dinner?"

"Of course Tamaki."

She says with a smile on her face, he knew the reasoning as to why she was out with her father today and he couldn't be happier. The duo serves dinner for everyone as they begin eating. They gave their thanks beforehand, and went right into eating. Of course people went for seconds loving the Amajiki's food. Everyone was talking here and there, and once everyone had settled Y/n taps her glass cup like one would do at a wedding to make an announcement.

"I would first of all want to thank all you guys for coming out and being here with us. It means so much to us to see you guys here. Tamaki and I have an announcement to make."

"We're pregnant.."

Tamaki says with a large smile on his face. Everyone congratulated the couple as Nejire laughs a bit.

"What a coincidence, I am too!"

She says gleefully. The two girls squeal at the thought of their babies becoming best friends. As if that didn't already happen, the five current children of the four got along great, and Nemuri, the eldest Amajiki got along with the twins more than her younger siblings did at times. Nemuri was excited to have another sibling, so were her younger siblings. The twins, Night and Sol were excited to have another sibling as well. The two taking bets on gender.

Tamaki smiles as his wife grabs on to his hand, he pulls her face in to give her another kiss. He looks over at his father-in-law and smiles. He remembers the first time Y/N had gotten pregnant, he was worried sick that Aizawa was going to murder him, but in fact he was proud.

"Through it all, Bunny.. we've made it. I love you."

"Through it all, I love you more."

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