Papa's guidance

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Today marked six months since Tamaki and I got together. It was a Saturday and he hasn't messaged me this morning. I had texted him a simple good morning, I was hoping he would remember rather than me being the cheesy one. I bit my lip and continuously checked my phone. It was now 12 in the afternoon, and I still haven't gotten a message from him. I didn't bother sending more than 5 messages, I sent one every hour since I woke up, and that was at 6, I didn't send him one this past hour because I felt like I was annoying him. Luckily Papa noticed something was up and offered to train me for a little bit. I nodded my head and got my workout clothes on. When he saw that I was dressed, we began walking towards UA and went to training ground Alpha. We trained in hand to hand combat for a while, and I was distracted the whole time. He ended up flipping me over onto my back.

"I thought this would help get your mind off things, but clearly it didn't."

I stayed laying on the ground. I was sweating hard. I used my water quirk to bring my phone over to me, no message from Tamaki still, I threw my phone into a corner, but luckily it didn't break in half.

"What the actual flying fuck!"

I exclaim out. Papa then got into a fighting stance, I started throwing wild punches at him, and adding my water to it to add more of an impact, but he kept dodging, grabbing my wrist and pushing my back. He used his quirk on me and then used his scarf and wrapped it around my body.

"There it is. What's going on child? Ready to talk?"

He says, I saw him blink and I used my erasure quirk and untangled myself from his stupid scarf thing and hit him with my water whip, he was able to grab it and pull me towards him, he faked a punch to my eyes, causing me to blink as he pins me to the ground and sits on top of me. I squirm for a bit.

"Are you done having your tantrum? Eh- don't you think about it."

Even though he had me pin I was still able to use my water quirk to try and get him off me, but he quickly activated his erasure quirk because he saw what I was doing. I finally look towards the ground and tap my hand twice, indicating I tapped out.

"Let's go home and shower. Come on,"

He grabs my arm and drags me home after grabbing our stuff. He knew I was pissed off due to the crack that was within my phone. He kept my phone in his pocket refusing to let me see it. He glares at me as I tried reaching for it. Once we got home I quickly showered and then went back out into the living room. I saw Papa sitting on the couch and gave me a look.

"I'm assuming this has something to do with your boyfriend?"

He said loosely, I just groan.

"He hasn't fucking texted me all day. I've texted him 7 times by the hour. I felt like I was bothering him, and most of the time he tells me if he had to do something for Fatgum. I don't understand why he's ignoring me. And to top it all off it's been half a year since we've been dating, and I was hoping he would remember, but clearly it feels like I'm not important to him. What if he lost feelings for me after liking me for three years?"

I started to ramble about the worst outcomes. Papa then places his hand on my shoulder,

"Listen, he's liked you for three years, there's no way he'd lose interest. Amajiki is the type of guy who is loyal and faithful. He will tell you if he lost feelings, but I doubt he did, if he's with you even after three years of liking you, I believe he's in love with you. You're a hero in training too who has work studies, you know that there are times where he can't tell you about a mission because it's last second and sometimes he might have to leave his phone. This has yet to happened to you, but if it did I'm sure he would understand. That bracelet he gave you, I know you can still feel his heartbeat, focus on it for a second will you kid? It's beating for you and you know it. Hero's get called into action without say. This will happen, happened to me a lot and luckily Hizashi and Nemuri were here to take care of you. Want my advice? Don't worry about it too much, he might be caught up in doing hero work."

Papa says, I nod my head. I then payed attention to the bracelet and felt a sudden decrease in his heartbeat. I flinched for a second and I could feel my heart drop. We then hear ringing from my phone and I quickly go to answer it.


"Hey! Aizawa, it's Fatgum. I took Suneater's phone because we are rushing him to the hospital as we speak. He explained before passing out to call you. He did a good job today, but he got injured pretty badly. We are heading to the closest hospital, I'll give you the address."

My phone fell out of my hands. Papa, grabbed it and talked to Fatgum on the other line. He let him know that he was going to call up Mirio. Papa takes my phone and goes to Mirio's contact name and calls up the sunshine man. I felt numbness all around my body. I felt horrible for messaging him and having my doubts.

We quickly rushed to the hospital of where fatgum's agency was. The three of us had on a mask as we entered the hospital. When we entered I asked for Suneater, in case he was entered that way, and to my luck he was and I wasn't questioned. She gave me the room number and I walked there as fast as I could.

I open the door and heard the heart monitor go slow. I felt my jaw shaking as tears escaped down my face. Walking towards the boy in the bed, his sleeping figure is what made me know he was doing okay. I pulled a chair near me and sat down in it and started outlining his hand before holding onto it.

It wasn't long until Fatgum, Mirio, and Papa entered the room. Mirio patted my back smoothly. Fatgum had a guilty look on his face.

"I'm glad he's okay, but I still feel responsible for him getting hurt in the first place."

Papa pats Fatgum's shoulder to let him know that it was alright. I sat next to Tamaki as his unconscious body laid there. I grab his hand and massage it softly. It's what we do as hero's we sacrifice ourselves and get ourselves hurt to protect the ones who can't.

I knew this, and he knew this as well. I know he's okay, but it doesn't hurt any less to see him in this hospital bed. We could hear his heart monitor start to spike up a bit as he begins to wake up. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and hug him close. It takes him a few seconds to wrap his arms loosely around my waist.

"I know today we were suppose to go out for our-"

"Shut up and just hug me close."

I interrupted him. He was apologizing for being a hero and I didn't want that. I finally pull back from him after hugging him for a few minutes.

"I'm not mad, I'm glad you're okay.. if anything, I'm proud of you. You saved people's lives today, I couldn't ask for a better hero."

I smile at him and I could see tears form in his eyes. I started to panic and wipe them away, he grabs my wrist and attaches our lips. It was the first time that we kissed on the lips by him being the one to make the first move. I melted into the kiss and relax.

He pulls back, his face a dark red. I giggle softly and give him a smile. Papa coughs and we turn to look at him and Fatgum.

Fatgum did not expect this to happen and was just beyond shock. He didn't know that Tamaki had the confidence to be the one to initiate the kiss. Papa was just bothered by seeing his daughter kissing someone. I just laugh it off and Tamaki sinks deeper into the bed.

"I-I... I didn't know you guys were here too.."

Tamaki explains, papa chuckles a little bit,

"Glad to know you're doing better kiddo."

He placed a hand on his shoulder and gives him a slight smile. Fatgum comes over and hugs Tamaki close.

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