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"I just need you to see the little girl we were able to rescue."

I shifted in my bed slightly as I heard Mirio tell me to meet the girl. I tilted my head, confused as to why he asked me.

"Mirio, are you sure?"

The blonde nods his head enthusiastically. I take a deep breath and smile softly at him. I was still in my hospital gown as they had to run a few more test on me. They had also kept me in case I have internal bleeding. I could also see that Midoriya was here, he was standing at the door waiting for Mirio.

As I get up, I felt my legs give in. I was quickly caught by Midoriya and Mirio. I was surprised at how quick Midoriya was, I was then set up straight and we started walking to where Eri was. I could see a little girl with white long wavy hair. She was looking out a window and I could feel my heart shatter as I can see how broken the little girl was. I push myself away from Mirio and Midoriya before walking over to her bed and kneeling down in front of her.

She tilts her head softly, not being able to break a smile as I smile softly at her. She then touches my (h/c) hair and looks into my eyes.

"Your hair is like that other guy's. So are your eyes. They're dry and you have a scar in the almost exact spot as he did.."

I knew she was talking about papa, so I just smile softly. This girl hasn't had a mother figure and I can tell. She was obviously abused and overused of her quirk. Her little horn was small.

"My name is Y/N. You must be Eri right?"

She nods her head. That's when Midoriya and Mirio came in and began talking to her. She had gestured for me to come sit on the bed and I did. She was hesitant to sit in my lap, but she did as soon as I nodded my head approvingly.

The two boys in front of me were talking about the festival and possibly bringing Eri, I agreed thinking it was a good idea. We could see that Papa was a bit hesitant in that matter. For good reasons too, I honestly don't blame him. I saw how deadly the little girl's quirk could be, but it didn't stop me from wanting to bring her with us to the festival.

A few weeks went by and I was able to go back to school. Within that time it was time for us to get ready for the school festival. Our class had decided to make a smoothie cafe.

It was the day of UA's festival, all the classes have been working hard to bring something enjoyable to the school. It would only be the students this year along with some other guest. Tamaki had asked last week to attend the festival with him as a date and I gladly took it. Ever since we've been living in the dorms, we couldn't go out on much dates, but that didn't stop us from hanging out within the dorms. The outfit I decided on was actually matching his outfit for today.

He was nervous, like he always had been. It was adorable, we caught up with Mirio and Nejire. Nejire was getting dressed for the beauty contest that would take place soon. Mirio also had Eri with him the whole time Nejire was getting dressed. When she was finished she saw Eri and started squealing.

"Oh my gosh! You're so adorable!"

Nejire started playing with the little girl's hair and I started chuckling a bit. We were then all pushed out to sit with the audience members. The whole time I was holding Tamaki's hand, Eri saw this and came up to me and grabbed my hand as well. She tugs it a bit as a way of wanting me to bend down.

I lean down so that I can look into her eyes. I tilt my head and she nervously taps her two pointer fingers together.

"Is he one of the hero's who helped saved me?"

I knew she was talking about Tamaki, I nodded my head and picked her up so she could be at eye level with Tamaki. She was a bit nervous but held her hand out.

"I-I'm Eri.. thank you for saving me."

Tamaki smiles and shakes her hand, he was a bit nervous as he doesn't get thanked often for doing what he does. He often shys away from media and people in general. So hearing a thank you from someone was something new to him. He holds on to her hand for a second before saying,

"It's a h-hero's job to keep those who can't protect themselves safe. I'd do what i did, over and over just to make sure that you were safe and rescued."

Tamaki says. Eri looks at him and nods her head, she didn't know how to smile but she did thank Tamaki for his kind words. Those words also hit me hard as well, I've never heard him say something so heroic before and I couldn't help but to smile at him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and his whole face turns red. I smile softly at him as I look at Eri. I was about to put Eri down but she insisted that I carry her throughout the beauty contest.

That's exactly what I did too. I was holding Tamaki's hand with the other hand that wasn't carrying Eri. Luckily the little girl was light. She was sitting on my hip and hanging her arms around my neck loosely as we watched the periwinkle girl fly up into the sky and make a pretty golden rose.

After Nejire was announced the winner we went to go watch 1-A's performance. I had given Eri to Mirio so that she would have a better view of the stage and to see Midoriya. I was barely able to see the stage too, but because of Tamaki being the amazing boyfriend that he was, he allowed me to sit on his shoulders as I screamed for class 1-A.

I could see the explosive boy on the drums and I chuckled a bit. It seems fitting almost. I also saw Tokoyami on the guitar and Yaoyorozu on the keys. Those two I've gotten to know better as I would often train with them. I helped yaoyorozu in gaining confidence, and Tokoyami in his speed training. I also trained with Tokoyami whenever it came to Hawks.

As the song started going I could see everyone dancing along. Me, Tamaki, and Mirio were paying close attention to Eri, as she threw her hands up in the air and was smiling too. I could feel goosebumps go throughout my body as I see a little girl who's never smiled before smile brightly. She was safe, and she now understands what hero's are willing to do. I felt Tamaki grab my hand and I clutch on to his tightly. He already had his hand on my thigh to keep me upright but holding his hand while seeing Eri smile made it better and much more heartwarming. I could see my blonde best friend begin to cry and ends up smiling too.

It felt amazing to see Eri smile so bright, it made me believe that we were making a difference in this world. Slowly, but surely.

An: I apologize about how long this chapter took to write. I had a bit of writers block and I'll be honest. This isn't my best work, but I felt as if I needed to post something. Next chapter was written months ago and was another inspiration I had when I first started writing this book. But I do hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you guys next time!

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