It's began

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Us third years knew that class 1-A was assigned to go to the USJ. I haven't been there in a bit because usually I was out with Hawks and working on the work studies. The work study has been easier lately and I've been helping in rescuing people above ground and without having to go undercover. It was a nice change of pace, and I knew Hawks didn't want to keep me hidden forever.

Currently we were all working on an assignment given to us by Present Mic. It was an English assignment. Suddenly principal Nezu rushes in and tells us that there was an attack at the USJ and that EraserHead needed help. I stood up from my desk and looked at our mouse-bear-thing of a principal.

"What do you mean he needs help?"

I let out breathily, I was starting to panic. Papa was in danger, and that's what he tried avoid saying in front me.

"You are all dismissed to go home, we will deal with this danger, Aizawa. Have faith in us, we are all pro heroes after all. Please go home all of you."

Mirio stood up in front and places a hand on my shoulder. Tamaki was holding my hand and Nejire was standing next to Mirio. They all held worry in their eyes as we were all close to Papa. Mirio had a bright smile on his face as Nejire begins to pack up my stuff for the day. The rest of the class left, a bit confused as to what was happening, but figured that the big three would handle it.

"Let the pro heroes handle it, I'm pretty sure everything is fine."

I look up at the blonde and shakily nodded my head. It was the first time in a long time that I was scared for Papa's well being. He usually handles himself and things well, I also began to worry for some of his students. But because I knew he kept all of them, then that meant they were strong.

Everyone had already left. Mirio and Tamaki had walked me home, wanting to distract me from the situation at hand. As I get into my house I close the door on Mirio, and quickly rush to the TV, I could hear him using his quirk and I used my water whip to grab the remote. Instead of me grabbing the remote a tentacle. I look back to see a naked Mirio and a nervous Tamaki at the door. The door was now open I looked at the both of them.

"No, you aren't watching the news."

Mirio states, Tamaki nods his head agreeing with Mirio.

"Come on, I gotta see what happened. It has to be on the news by now. Why won't you guys let me see how my father is?"

"You're not going to guilt trip us honey bun. You're only going to get even more worried if it's not on the news. We'll just wait for a call."

Tamaki says as he walks over to me and wraps his arm around me. Mirio was putting his clothes back on and turns on a movie. I grabbed my sleeping bag from my room and sit on the couch. Tamaki makes some tea while Mirio takes a seat right next to me.

Halfway through the movie I heard the house phone ringing and I roll to the ground in my sleeping back and begin rolling towards it. Mirio obviously beats me to it since I was rolling and he picked it up instead.

"Yes, this is the Aizawa household? ... yes? ... A-are you sure? ... okay, thank you. Are we able to visit him?.. thank you, goodbye."

Mirio hangs up the phone and looks at Tamaki. I was on my back and I looked between them. Mirio let's out a sigh and Tamaki shakes his head.

"Don't leave me out of this! Tell me!"

"We're going to the hospital, Present Mic is already there."

I unzip my sleeping bag and crawl out of it quickly. I run towards the balcony door and activate my water wings and begin flying at my fastest speed. I knew what I was doing was technically illegal due to hero laws, but I can't wait another second. I have to know that my father is okay. I land quickly at the hospital and the doors automatically open. I was immediately handed a mask as I see Uncle Hizashi and Aunt Nemuri. They looked distraught and I run over to them,

"How did you get here so fast- nevermind, your back is wet."

Aunt Nemuri says. I look towards Uncle Hizashi and he takes me to papa. Aunt Nemuri stays behind knowing Mirio and Tamaki will pop up eventually.

I could hear every step as I begin making my way down the hall. My breathing quickened as I could feel that we were getting closer. We stopped at a door and Hizashi looks at me and grabs my shoulders softly.

"Y/N... he's okay... in stable condition, but.."

I nod my head. Knowing what he was going to say. He was going to tell me it'll be okay. I grab the handle and open the door. I saw Papa wrapped up fully in bandages I gasp and my eyes widen. I felt tears coming down my eyes.

It's not often I would see Papa get injured like this, whenever I did have to patch him up it was a few scratches here and there. I guess he could hear me gasp and I walk over to him.

"Y/N... I'll be okay baby girl.. I did what I did because I needed to protect my students."

"I know Papa.. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.."

I sit down next to him and take a deep breath. It was scary to see him in this condition, but I know he's already on the road to recovery. I'm just glad he's still here.

All I can feel now is this eerie feeling looming over UA as a whole. I remember before they went to the USJ, someone had broken into the school.

It's only getting worst from here and it's our job as heroes to be on the look out. With our work studies I know all of us feel this, this overwhelming evil within the world, and it's getting worst by the minute. This was only the beginning.

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