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Admin note : so I see a lot of you questioning a certain aspect to this chapter. I understand why it may seem confusing but the reason you're in class B instead of class A is simply for two reasons:

1. Plot. That's it. It's for the plot so that you are in the same class as the big three.

2. I was under the assumption that it was completely randomized. I mean they do have two students who got recommended into class B rather than Class A in the original MHA classes.

So please stop questioning as to why you're in class B rather than class A when you placed 5th overall.


It was dark by the time I dragged myself up the stairs. I was a little worried to face Papa. I knew he would be disappointed in me, he would probably be upset with me even more so. That was something I didn't like seeing in my father, disappointment towards me. Amajiki and Mirio had hugged me for a long while, they even walked me home. Mirio made sure I made it up the flight of stairs before hugging me once more, Amajiki gives a frown and hugs me once more as well before they walk down the flight of stairs. I sigh to myself as I open the door. I was immediately met with Uncle Hizashi and a stern look on his face. Aunt Nemuri was also there, her arms were crossed. Her eyebrow then arched as she could clearly see my distraught figure.

"Aizawa Y/N! Do you see how dark it is outside? You said you would be home before then! Child! We thought you were kidn-"

"Shut the fuck up for once Hizashi. Y/N? What is the matter?"

I heard Papa get close to me as I close the door, I take off my shoes, a natural instinct I had when coming home. I sigh, I could once again feel the water works flowing. I hand him the letter, shaking, and he threw it to the side. He looked right into my eyes and gave me a hug. I then felt Uncle Hizashi and Aunt Nemuri join the hug as well. I sob into them, Papa then picked me up and set me down on the couch. He started to warm up some hot water and make some peppermint tea.

I saw Uncle Hizashi grab my sleeping bag and put my legs into it. He zips it up to where only my head was visible. Aunt Nemuri had me in her lap, she was cuddling me close and petting my hair softly. Uncle Hizashi then grabs the letter with the hologram button. I once again listen to it and I heard Papa throw something, causing it to break.

"You mean to tell me that my own goddamn daughter was 1 point off from entering the Hero's course?"

I heard him yell as he pours out the water with the tea bag in it. He stirs it as he was yelling. I flinch in fear and Aunt Nemuri hugs me close. She screams at Papa,

"Shouta! You're scaring her!"

"They're out of their goddamn minds! What do you mean she was 1 point off? How is she not in the hero's course! I saw some of those kids quirks! There is no fucking way that she ranked lower than some of them! How on God's green quirky earth did she not make it by one fucking point? Someone explain this to me or so help me god."

That's when I discovered, he wasn't mad or disappointed at me, but at the school. Uncle Hizashi then comes over, and places the peppermint tea in front of me. I leaned forward and started to drink it. I haven't seen my father this pissed off. The last time I did, was when he told me about the real reason my mother left. She left to live out her long lost dream of being a villain. She never liked heroes and instantly divorced my father when she discovered that he was in fact one of the heroes she despised.

"It's fine, Papa.. they said I could try for the general studies.. that'll be next week.."

I say softly as I continue to sip on the tea. He sighs and rubs my head softly. He was still upset, and it was obvious. I knew Uncle Hizashi was upset too, and I'm glad it wasn't him yelling or else his quirk would've accidentally activated.

"I'm sorry to get upset over this, my little butterfly. I know you. And as a non-biased person that I am, I remain non-biased. Trust me, I saw half of those kids fighting. None of them compares to you. I don't know how you didn't make it, and one of those kids did."

I set the tea down and hug him close. Then he turned on a comedy movie, to try and make me feel a bit better. I ended up falling asleep to it. I was exhausted from all the tears. I cuddled into Aunt Nemuri as she continues to pat my head.

~5 days later~

Mirio and Amajiki had brought me flowers and my (f/fruit) along with some other fruits. I had allowed them in and we were currently playing videos games. We walked to my room where there were two bean bag chairs and my bed. I put in a game that all three of us could play. We were playing Smash Bros and beating each other up. More like me and Mirio were while Amajiki was attempting to attack us. It seemed as though he was distracted with Penelope, she kept on pressing her black paws all over his controllers. We then heard a knock at the door, and I paused the game. I walk over to the door and look through the eye hole. I saw a little rat-bear-cat like creature and Aunt Nemuri. She had on a business skirt with a white blouse to go with.

"Papa! Some strange people are at the door!"

I said loudly, he exits the kitchen and looks through the hole and his eyes widen for a second. He then quickly opens the door.

"Principal Nezu, Ne-Midnight. What are you guys doing here?"

Papa says, and allows them in. And they quickly walk in. They take off their shoes and I show them to the dining room. I could hear Mirio and Amajiki still playing the game in the my room. Guess they started a new one without me. I then got out formal guest cups and poured out some matcha tea for Principal Nezu and Auntie. I put coasters in front of them and placed the drinks in front of them. They both thanked me.

"We've come to inform you on a mistake that happened."

Aunt Nemuri said. Principal Nezu nods his head. He seemed like a happy go-lucky guy- rat-bear-cat thing. He takes a sip of the tea before continuing on. I could see Papa's eyebrow go up in confusion.

"Ah! As we should promise to never make a mistake again! It was already too late by the time we discovered what had happened! We looked at the roaster and was very confused on why the daughter of Eraser Head wasn't on our list! It seems someone had purposefully swapped her score with someone else's! In fact, you actually placed 5th overall. We have sensed fired this said person. We were able to come to this conclusion by looking into the camera system installed. We are deeply sorry for the mix up, Miss Aizawa, we hope to see you in school by Monday, attending the hero's course. You will be in class 1-B."

Principal Nezu explains. Aunt Nemuri then handed me a bag with multiple uniforms in it. I thank them as they leave. I close to door softly, and as I close the door I saw Mirio, Amajiki, and Papa smiling. I was then picked up and twirled around by a blonde giant. He places me on the ground before I jump into Amajiki's arms. He hugs me close. I was crying tears of joy.

"Congratulations! Y/N! I can't believe that happened!"

I heard Mirio say. I pull back to see Mirio and Amajiki smiling.

"I-I knew you could do it.. Aizawa-chan.."

I heard Amajiki say softly. I blush a little bit as I smile.

"Well, I guess this calls for a celebration. You guys wanna go out to eat somewhere tonight?"

Papa says as he calls up Uncle Hizashi. He also texted Aunt Nemuri, since she already knew that I got accepted in. I nodded my head and picked my favorite restaurant.

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