Training Camp

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Buckle up, this chapter is long.

I was standing right next to the bus and helping in putting people's stuff at the bottom of said bus. Mirio and Tamaki were helping as well. I even tried to make the two new people we had joining us feel welcomed. They were added into our class for this trip to prove whether or not they could handle being in the hero's course.

One was a girl name Katri Aoi her quirk was electricity, she was able to produce electric currents only through her arms. She was very rough sometimes, but it proved that she wanted to be strong. She had electric blue hair with stunning green eyes. Her skin was rather pale.

The next one was a sweet boy with light green hair. He went by Hajami Lou, his quirk was bugs, as icky as it sounded, he could control his bugs to attack and to grab people. He was a soft spoken boy from what I could tell.

I was the last person to get on the bus, and naturally I sat next to Tamaki. I knew the bus ride was going to be long, so I brought my phone with earbuds. I also brought some snacks as well.

Nejire and Mirio were sitting across from us. Nejire had fit into our little group dynamic pretty quickly, and I was glad. Having a fun bubbly person who was clueless at times was amazing. She had been training with us whenever she could. Often times she would be in a beauty pageant or doing something with her family, to which we didn't mind. We still enjoyed having her around.

As I sit down next to Tamaki he stares at me for a little bit, I could see a blush forming on his face as I plug in my headphones, I give him the other earbud that I had so we could watch whatever I had on my phone together. I smile at him softly and he just covers his face.

"Come on, Tamaki-kun. We're dating now, no need to be so shy around me."

I say with a slight giggle, he just shakes his head.

"Gives me all of the good reasons to be even more shy.. you're so beautiful, y/n.."

Now it was my turn to blush, I could feel my face turn super hot. He just smiles innocently and I turn on a movie for us to watch. I decided on an action movie, he decided to hold my phone up for us to watch it, to which I didn't mind. I could hear Nejire and Mirio snicker at us as I saw my phone light up with messages from them. I groan softly and quickly put it on 'do not disturb' mode. Tamaki, was starting to shrink to the side of me, I could tell he was a bit flustered. I grab his pointer finger and wrap mine with his, calming him down slightly.

We soon got to an area to stretch. Miss Yamaka told us to leave our things on the bus and that pictures weren't allowed either. I waited for everyone to get off the bus and Tamaki waited with me. Luckily there weren't too many people in our class so it took a few minutes for us to get off. As we got off we were greeted by three cat ladies.

"Hello students of UA!"

A girl with green hair and circle eyes said to us, she had a smile on her face, she was also wearing cat paws and cat ears.

"We are three of the wild wild pussycats! We welcome you to our camp. Which is all the way over there!"

Next a lady that wore mostly blue said, she had blonde hair, and was wearing the same thing as the other girl.

"I'm Mandalay, this is Pixiebob, and that is Ragdoll. You training begins... now!"

Our classmates gasp as Pixiebob places her hands on the ground. Nejire grabbed Mirio quickly, Katri was grabbed by Hajami's bugs along with himself, Kin was able to levitate himself, Ita, and Nakamara. Koichi used his birds to quickly catch Yamamoto and Shina. While Tamaki wraps his arms around me and uses his quirk quickly as well. I assumed he had chicken for dinner as he made some chicken wings that was able to use the force of the air around him to fly. We all landed softly, none of our clothes getting damaged.

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