The dance

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"H-hey.. y-y/n.."

I heard Tamaki say nervously. Lately I've been swarmed with school work, and class rep work as well. As a class we were required to do something at the dance, we decided to help with the lighting, so lately I've been trying to get multiple colors of lighting so that depending on the mood and the genre of music, it could be changed. Present Mic was obviously going to be the DJ, and the class assisted in setting things up, Katri and Nakamara were able to use their electrical quirks to test out colors, it has been a busy week and the dance was right around the corner. Kin and Koichi were using their quirks to lift the lights up in the air, Yamamoto, Mirio, and Shina were setting up the lights, Yamamoto was up in the air with Nejire setting up the above lights and Mirio was on the ground. It was made to be on Saturday and right now it was Thursday. The school was giving us the day off for some of their own personal prep.


I turned facing him, right now we were in the gym, still setting up a few things. It looked like he was holding something behind his back. He was shaking, he started to slowly pull his hands from behind his back and he handed me a bouquet of (favorite flower). Feeling my face heat up really bad, I also saw Tamaki's face turn red as well,

"W-will... y-you.. will you go to the dance with me?"

He finally stutters out, I take the bouquet of flowers and then wrap my arms around him,

"Of course I will!"

We could hear the whole class cheering for us. Most of them were talking about how Tamaki finally asked. I found it cute and hilarious.

"Woohoo! Let's go Tamaki!"

I heard Yamamoto say from up above,

"Finally, he grew a pair!"

I laughed at Kin's statement.

"Awe you two will be so cute at the dance!"

I heard Shina say excitedly. The only problem was I have yet to get a dress, and I had a feeling Tamaki had no idea what to wear either. He said he will allow me to pick the color and he'll find something to match.

It was Friday morning, Aunt Nemuri and Nejire dragged me to go dress shopping, early. It was basically a living hell because these two girls not only had different taste, but they loved shopping for dresses. Nejire because she does all these beauty pageants, and Aunt Nemuri because she can be hella girly and picked out skimpy dresses. I was able to pick out a few dresses that I wanted. Luckily at the last store I found the perfect dress. [Chose which one you like the best]

When I walked out of the dressing room with the dress, I heard Nejire and Aunt Nemuri gasp

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When I walked out of the dressing room with the dress, I heard Nejire and Aunt Nemuri gasp.

"You look absolutely stunning, y/n."

I heard Aunt Nemuri say.

"Hey! Hey! You look amazing! Ooo lemme take a picture of the color dress so Mirio can get Tamaki a matching outfit. I want to keep it a surprise, and see his natural reaction!"

Nejire says as she takes a photo of my dress, she instantly sent it to Mirio and her phone went off, indicating that Mirio texted back. I go back into the dressing room and change out of it, we then went up to the counter and paid for it. I also got a matching pair of heels to go with the dress. I was excited for the dance, as stressful as this week was, I'm glad I get to finally relax. Nejire waves me and Aunt Nemuri a goodbye before she heads home. I waved back and looked towards Auntie,

"Is it Big Brother night?"

I question the R-rated hero in front of me, she shoves me slightly and nods her head,

"You bet your sweet ass it is!"

I roll my eyes, when we enter the home I see Papa and Uncle Hizashi standing in the kitchen. Penelope was on the counter getting loved by Uncle. I smile towards the duo. They saw that I had dress bag and obviously wanted to see.

"You two can see tomorrow! It's not inappropriate, trust me I tried."

Aunt Nemuri explains, I elbow her super hard in the side as she laughs. I could see Papa giving her a death glare. He didn't like the idea of me wearing an inappropriate dress and it was fairly obvious my date wouldn't have either.

——————The Next day——————

It was the day of UA's home coming and I was really excited to go. Tamaki isn't all that into crowds, but he wanted to go to this. It was our first dance that we would go to and he didn't want to mess up. As it got closer to the dance, Nejire and Aunt Nemuri came over to do my makeup. The specifically made it to where it would match my dress. They even added highlighter to highlight my cheek bones. The lipstick I had on was more of a neutral color so that it wasn't too extreme.

They also put on some jewelry to match the dress. We also decided to (straighten or curl) my hair. After they pinned some of it back to keep it out of my face. Once we were finished, we all walked out. When walking to the living room I saw Papa and Uncle Hizashi. Uncle Hizashi drops the remote as tears start to flood his eyes. Papa had such a weird smile on his face but I could tell they both loved the dress.

"Aren't you DJing the dance? What are you still doing here?"

Aunt Nemuri asks hitting Uncle Hizashi's head. I just smile and laugh. They quickly got photos with me and Uncle Hizashi before he rushed off to the school. Nejire and I were taking photos as well. Papa surprisingly took a photo with me and his smile was so sincere and he looked so happy, I almost wanted to cry. He noticed and just kissed the top of my forehead.

"Look at my baby butterfly, all grown up.."

He said softly. We then heard a knock at the door and Papa went to go answer it. As soon as Tamaki walked in, he dropped whatever he was holding. His face turned red and he almost walked towards the door to put his forehead against it, but Mirio stopped him. Mirio picks up the corsage and hands it to Tamaki.

"I-I.. my.. oh my.. bunny.. y-y-you.. aahh.. you look stunningly beautiful in that dress."

He quickly manages out. He then grabs my hand softly and put the corsage onto it. He was wearing a suit that had a bow to match the dress I was wearing. Papa was snapping photos of us. We finally took a group photo and had to leave before being late for the dance.

We arrived at the dance and there were tons of people entering. When we finally entered there was music blasting. Nejire and I went to the dance floor and danced together. Mirio joined us in the funk and eventually I was able to grab Tamaki in for a few dances.

It was a really fun night overall, and soon they announced the King and Queen of the dance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now announcing our King of this dance. Keep in mind he had the most votes towards him throughout the whole school. Everyone put your hands together for UA's own, one of the big three, Tamaki Amajiki!"

Present Mic announced. Tamaki got very flustered and was very hesitant to go up there, but with Mirio's help he was up on the stage.

"Now our queen. Put your hands together for Class 2-B's very own Class Rep and Top student, Y/N Aizawa!"

There were loud cheers as I make my way to the stage. I was very surprised that me and Tamaki were well known around the school. We did have powerful quirks, so I wonder if it had something to do with that, or if people just admired us in some way.

I was able to hold his hand to calm him down a bit as crowns and sashes were put on us. We then got our own slow dance and Tamaki lead that dance. He even dipped me down, which was a surprise. His smile never faltered as he looked softly into my eyes.

The dance ended pretty soon after the announcement ceremony and overall it was a really good dance. Class 2-B were able to get a class photo together with everyone dressed up and it was a really fun and an amazing experience overall.

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