Ice Cream

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I was exhausted the week after I came back. My back was something that hurt a lot as well, I wasn't used to having the wings out for as long as I did and that was something I needed to train on. It seemed Tamaki really missed me along with Nejire and Mirio. When I came back they overwhelmed me with hugs and little gifts, such as food.

I noticed that every time I call Tamaki by his real name, his world just lights up. His facial expression would glow and he would have a small smile on his face. It was honestly adorable in my opinion.

The school day just ended and I was walking home with Mirio and Tamaki, like always. I groan a bit as my legs hurt a bit.

"What's the plan for this weekend?"

Mirio asked excitedly. We hung out most weekends and they were always filled with adventures or training. Lately this school year has been filled with some of our work studies. With me being gone last week to train and get to know Hawks I missed school and had homework to make up.

"I'm going to be finishing up my homework that I missed while being gone."

I groan as I hold onto my backpack. Tamaki nods his head in agreement.

"You think homework last that long? Come on guys! Let's do something fun! Like the arcade maybe?"

Mirio said trying to excite us. I just giggle softly.

"The same one we've been going to for the past 7 years? Isn't there a cooler one in Hosu City?"

I ask while looking into the sky, and then I realized I have Mirio an idea. I could see his smile get bigger. I quickly deflected to,

"You're asking Papa for me then."

"We'll leave on Saturday, if that's alright with you Tamaki?"

Tamaki just nodded his head. I roll my eyes about going to a different city just to go to an arcade, but I was the one to bring it up so in a way it is my fault. Once we got to my apartment Mirio started to run up the stairs. I could tell he wanted to use his quirk but he thought twice about doing that.

"What are you doing you lunatic?!"

I exclaimed as I started to chase him up, Tamaki was also confused and followed us up. Mirio looks back at the two of us with a smile on his face.

"You said I had to ask your dad. So I'm going to ask him so you don't have an excuse not to go!"

I groan as we made it up the stairs. Shouting that he might not be home at all. Mirio took out the spare key he had and opened the door. When the door opens Papa wasn't seen, I assumed he was in the kitchen if he was home.

"Mr Aizawa!"

He screams out, I punch him in his back and he just laughs. I look over at Tamaki and gestured for him to come in. As soon as he entered Penelope came around and hopped on him. He smiles and picks up the cat.

"What is now Mirio?"

I hear Papa say from the kitchen. He was sipping on a juice box. Mirio then asks if I was allowed to go to Hosu City on Saturday and he just nodded his head.

"Just don't get kidnapped while being out there. It would be too much work trying to find all three of you."

Mirio promises. Then he says his goodbye and so did Tamaki. They both leave and I just let out a huge sigh. I glare at Papa and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Think of it as learning about a new city."

I groan at him. I go to my room and put on a large hoodie and some joggers. I then proceeded to work on some of my homework assignments so that I wasn't swamped with doing homework on Sunday. Something Mirio constantly did to himself. It was a few hours school had let out and I was still doing work. As I was doing homework I heard a knock at the door. I quickly go to answer it to see Tamaki.

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