Second year

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This year we get to do work studies, but they would first be testing on us on how well our abilities were. Our teacher was miss Yamaka. Her quirk was healing, she would have to place her hand on us in order for it to work. She was also incredibly strong and we all learned quickly not to underestimate her, as she was also able to use her healing quirk to expand her cells making it to where her arm can grow quick and beat the hell out of someone.

Before the year ended in our first year she had us take the provisional licenses exam. We were all successful in completing that goal. The most notable ones were Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki, and myself. Right now she was handing out a paperwork about work studies.

"As most of you know, second years and third years of the hero's course get to do work studies. I should let all of you know that this would be work outside of school. So try not to let your work studies get in the way of your actual school work. But if there are some days where your work studies are more important than school, you are welcome to leave, just let me know in advance."

She handed out a packet explaining work studies and how we needed a parent's permission, and a person to work under for the work studies.

"Hado, Amajiki, Aizawa, Togata, and Shina. You 5 have some people who requested that you work under them. I'll be handing those to you guys after class."

The five of us nodded our heads. As she started to leave. Present mic walked into the class to teach us English. And Social Studies. Mic is a good teacher, don't get me wrong. It's just that since there were only 10 of us it was kinda hard to answer questions and not have others outshine. I think we all avoided doing that, didn't want to seem like the smartest person in the room. But today, It seemed as if he was struggling to have us talk so I thought of something to help in teaching.

"How about in each answer we get right, you award us with candy?"

He nods is head and agrees to bring candy next time. The five of us that were called got our papers of request of companies wanting us to do our work studies with them. We then were dismissed for Lunch. Me and Nejire make our way to the lunchroom while the boys grab a table outside for us.

"Nejire! How did your beauty pageant go this weekend?"

She started to get excited.

"Oh my gosh! I did so well! I'll send you the trophies I got when I get home. Speaking of weekends.. how did your guy's extra training go with Aizawa-sensei."

I tense up at the thought of the gruesome training we did this time around. I threw up a few times in hand to hand combat training. It was horrible.

"He was so brutal this time around. He's making us wear these weights to try and make us faster and stronger."

I roll up my sleeve and show her the weight, I also rolled down my sock to show her my ankle weights as well. She giggles at my pain and we got food. We quickly find the boys outside and we start discussing where we might take our work studies at.

"I got a request from sir night eye!"

Mirio blurted out, he was super excited to have Sir be his mentor last time during our internship, but for him to request Mirio in work studies! I had water in my mouth and I quickly spat it out. It went all over Tamaki, as today he was sitting across from me. I could see him frown in disgust at me. I gave an apologetic look, quickly as I yelled,


He just nods his head, but he was basically jumping in his seat. I then took the napkin I had and helped wipe down the water that was all over Tamaki. I smile at Mirio and he points to me to drink more water. He knew that my quirk required me to drink more water. It doesn't help that I spat out a lot either in pure excitement, I was about to take another sip when Tamaki placed his hand on mine to prevent me from drinking more water until he announced his news. His eyes were widen, not wanting to be soaked with water completely.

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