New School, New friends.

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Y/N POV (age 8)

I kept tugging at my uniform. School started today and I was nervous. I had to meet new people and I was a little afraid of them judging me and being mean. I took a deep breath as we entered the class room. I then smile at everyone as the teacher places a soft hand on my back. She leads me to the front of the classroom.

"Everyone! Please welcome out second new student of the year, Aizawa Y/N!"

Everyone waves at me, and I smile back.

"Hi! Pleased to meet all of you! I hope we can become friends!"

The teacher has me sit right next to a boy with dark blue hair that was covering his face. He seemed to be shy, I wanted to be his friend. It was in my nature to be nice to everyone. Class started and I tried to understand what they were learning about today. I quickly caught on and started to write down things on a notebook. Before recess started, the teacher gave me a ton of books for me to carry home.

It was recess time, but we had to stay inside for the day, as it was raining. Thank goodness my backpack was waterproof, my things wouldn't get wet on the way home, I forgot an umbrella. I was about to get up when a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes stood in front of my desk. He also had the shy boy right next to him.

"Hi! I'm Togata Mirio! Please to meet you Aizawa!"

I smile as he holds out his hand. I gladly shake it. I look towards the other boy and tilt my head.

"Oh! This is Amajiki Tamaki, he's a bit shy. Hope you don't mind!"

I nod my head, I didn't blame the boy for being so shy. He has his reasons, and I shouldn't press into it, or pressure him into being my friend if he doesn't want to be. I just smile softly at him, and he panics a little.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you."

I said softly towards him. He shakes his head. Togata then brought a desk over to mine and sat down. We all started talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up. It was fun talking to them. We didn't get on to the topic of quirks just because we all wanted to get along and get to know each other better. Our teacher than had us get back in our seats and began teaching once more.

Soon enough the bell rang for the end of the day. The rain started to clear up a bit, but I didn't bring an umbrella. I had just outdoor shoes and that was it. Even though it cleared up, it was still raining. The bag I had with me was a bit heavy, but I needed some of these books at home. Some stayed in my seat, as they were books we would write in. I was about to take a step outside when I heard Togata screaming for my name. As he approached me, he almost tripped. Him and Amajiki were now in front of me.

"Let us walk you home! It seems that you don't have an umbrella!"

Togata said to me, I shrug my shoulders, and went under the umbrella with Togata. Amajiki was right next to us as we started walking. He too had an umbrella.

"Where do you live?"

The blonde hair kid asked. I thought for a second before remembering the name the name of the street. I told him as soon as it clicked in my head.

"On Sakura St. I live in the apartment complexes."

I explained to them as I pointed in the direction the apartment complexes were in.

"I live on the very top floor!"

I said proudly, smiling at them both.

"That's cool! We live somewhat close by! Maybe two streets away?"

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