Quit Avoiding Him.

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It's been a month since I've felt like this. I've avoided hanging out with my friends, they try their best to cheer me up, but this emotion just keeps getting worse and worse. Akane seemed to notice as well, she would try and comfort me, and she would often touch my wrist. I wish I knew what was happening but I had no idea. She would repeat a certain phrase over and over and made it clear to me that I wasn't allowed to go near the blue haired boy. I had to listen to her, my body was telling me to. But my mind was screaming at me to do something else and to not listen.

I've been sitting on the rooftop of the school building, I know no one would find me there. I just felt like I needed to be alone. Papa noticed my change as well, he was trying his best to cheer me up as well. It wouldn't work, and typically it would, because he knows me best.

I've been failing some test and failing to turn in some homework. I got called into principal nezu's office but I would tell him it's just a bad week and that my head isn't all there. He accepted this as an answer and told me that if it doesn't get better he's going to have me do daily check ins with him.

Finally it was a week where we had off, I could finally just sit in my room and contemplate what exactly was happening.

My phone has been going off constantly for the past week. I've ignored every message, not feeling bothered to answer it. I knew that if I looked at my phone I would start crying, the picture was of me Tamaki and Mirio on our first day. I could feel that something was different about me and I couldn't pin point what. This feeling I had, led to negative thoughts. We were both avoiding each other at this point, as if our friendship was no more.

Papa came in a few times and I just told him that my period was rough this week. He knew that me on my period was a beast and didn't want to mess with. He would come in and bring me some sweets and some healthy food items as well. I have been eating in bed a lot and i guess this started to annoy him.

"That's it child. Up. Out of bed. Let's eat come on."

He forcefully gets me out of bed and gets me to eat some type of soup. He was concerned. He didn't like seeing me cooped up in my room, he much prefer me to be with Mirio or Tamaki at least. Should I even call him that anymore? At this point it didn't even feel right.

"What's been on your mind?"

I shrug it off. I keep on eating the soup. He then comes over and places down the peppermint tea. Before he does he embraces me into a hug. He pats my hair for a minute as well.

"I hate to leave you like this, but they are requesting me in Tokyo. I'll be back in three days. I'm having Hizashi watch over you."

I bit my inner lip, something within me snapped. Something I don't ever do is talk back to Papa.

"I'm not a fucking young child anymore papa. I don't need a grown adult watching over me."

I snared back. He glares at me, he knows that I'm not the type to refuse Uncle over here. He knew something was off about me but couldn't pin point it either.

"You may not be a child, but dammit y/n. You've been scaring me lately. You've been locked up in your room and not even your friends have come over. Those two always come over if you haven't texted them back, what did you do? Blow them off? Cut them out of your life? I'm worried for you, and I don't trust you alone by yourself. You don't act like this, this isn't like you, we both know it. I'm trying my best to keep you safe and happy, thus the reason Hizashi is coming over. I'm having Hizashi over to watch you and that's final."

I glare at him, and sigh. He was right, there is something wrong, I didn't know what either, but for some reason I got angry with him. This anger caused me to go to my room. I once again start the water works as I thought back to Amajiki.

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