The Letter

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It's been two weeks since the sports festival. All of us were still exhausted somewhat, but it was getting better. Today was no different from any other normal school day. That was until miss Yamaka had pulled me out into the hall to discuss something with me.

"Look. Hawks sent me a letter earlier this week. He said he needed you to help him on a mission that'll take about a month or two. As much as I don't want you to miss school, I think doing this will help you when you eventually get out of UA and start being a pro hero. I know you are a good student, when you get back, I expect you to complete the assignments you missed and I will give you two months or however long you're gone for. You'll be leaving tomorrow. I'll let the class know that you had a family emergency with your grandpa or something."

Miss Yamaka explains to me. I stare at the carefree woman. She could tell I was in shock that she would allow me to miss so much school. But I guess since the school year had started about 3 months ago, there won't be any big test any time soon. I felt bad that I wouldn't be able to tell my friends. Usually Hawks works in secret, meaning I would have to go undercover. I bite my inner cheek.

"Am.. am I able to let at least one person in the class know? Also are you sure? I'm not sure if can do this.."

"Hawks wouldn't have messaged me if he didn't think that you weren't capable to help him. He also mentioned about avoiding to tell too many people about your disappearance. I say only tell your dad and Tamaki. I've noticed you two have been a lot closer lately."

She hit right in the park with that. I nod my head as we enter back into the class room. Right now Mic was teaching us more about English. He would give some of my classmates candy each time they answered a question right. I could feel Mirio tap my shoulder, he hands me a paper that had asked what happened. I bite my lip and come up with the lie that Miss Yamaka was going to use. I wrote that my grandpa wasn't feeling well and I had to go and see him. Mirio nods his head, hopefully he bought my lie. I've noticed lying wasn't my strong suit and I really didn't want to have to lie to my best friends. Soon class was dismissed to lunch and I held Tamaki behind.


I held him close and gave him a hug. It seemed he was worried about me, and that was something I didn't want him to worry about. He figured something was up, and was okay with hugging me.

"I'm going to be gone for two months with my hero studies. I won't be able to text you at all. Please don't be upset.."

Tamaki then wraps his arms around me, and embraces me back. He nods his head in understanding.

"Good thing Fatgum is requesting me as well.. though for not as long. I'll have a distraction. Please let me know when you come back.. I-I... I wanna take you on an actual date.."

He mumbles the last part softly into my ear. I look up at him and smile. I nod my head.

"I'll let you know, sweetie.."

I say softly towards him. Then we went to lunch.

~Time skip~

I walk up the stairs to the apartment that we were living in. I knew Papa wouldn't be home until later so I took the time to pack the essentials. I remembered to text papa to bring my hero suit home. I would have brought it home on my own, but I didn't want my class mates questioning me, and knowing Papa, he would do it without say.

I pack workout clothes, and some pajamas as well. Surprise surprise i packed my (f/c) sleeping bag. I also packed a few of my toiletries in case my period starts, as well as a hairbrush and a toothbrush. I also take a small picture that was taken on my Polaroid camera, it was of me, Tamaki, and Mirio in middle school before the entrance exam. I wanted to keep it with me. I then look at the time on my clock and saw that Papa should be arriving home soon, as if on queue the door open.

I walk out of my room and into the living room. I saw Papa taking off his shoes and he was holding my hero suit. He sets it down on the counter and looks at me.

"I know."

He says softly. He hugs me close and pats my black (h/l) hair. I figured he had an idea as to what was happening. He gave me a few warnings about what to avoid as I still had my provisional licenses. I nod my head at all his warnings. He then made fried rice for dinner. We ate while talking about school. He told me about how he suspended all of class 1-A this year, most of them went to class 1-C and the rest were still expelled. I didn't realize how much Papa expelled people, but it's how he knows people are capable of being heroes. I started yawning, I went to go wash the dishes and then headed to take a shower. After my shower I brush my teeth and get dressed in my bathroom.

As I enter my room I first saw that my window was open, I look behind my door to see Tamaki there.

"What the-"

He covers my mouth and closes the door. He had a bit of tears in his eyes. I started to feel guilty all of the sudden. I pull him towards my bed and we sit down on it.

"What's wrong, Tamaki?"

I whisper softly towards him so Papa didn't hear. He sniffles and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm worried.. please come back to me safely.. I believe you will do well.. please let me stay here tonight..."

He says softly. I nod my head. I knew he would be worried, and this would be the first time since we've been together that our work studies required us to be gone for a month apart. I let him know that I would be okay. He then bites his lip softly.

"This.. this bracelet is like a heart beat distance bracelet... I want you to wear it, and I'll wear the other one. It'll let us know the other's pulse.. here.."

He takes my wrist softly and places the indigo colored bracelet on my wrist. I saw he was wearing a (f/c) colored bracelet. I smile at him and thank him softly. I yawn softly, and I lay down in my bed. Tamaki naturally went to my closet and changed into Pajamas. He laid down right next to me and held me close as we both begin to fall asleep.

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