First Challenge Awaits

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Edit; fixed a contradicting statement. Edited: February 28th, 2022

It was the first day where we got our new teacher. She was a blonde lady with pink at the bottom of her hair. She had sharp eyes that were a sharp colored purple, almost blue. She had a pale skin complexion and was tall. Standing at 5'11. She was also well fit, she had on joggers and a blue shirt that was a muscle shirt and had slits on both sides.

"What's sup class. I'm your new teacher. Call me Miss Yamaka. I've heard that all of you are suppose to be the strongest candidates for becoming heroes, also that you guys were the best of the best in the heroes course. Some of your classmates have been expelled mostly due to incompetence of how a hero should function. Some have moved to general studies, as they could possibly come back to the hero's course. You guys are always being competed against, some may despise the fact that you're here, and some may want to be you. Don't let that bring you down. You're all strong. Everyday I will put you guys to the test, I want to make sure Eraser didn't make a mistake in choosing the 10 of you."

She began her long speech, her voice was very smooth and a bit raspy. But she was confident at the same time.

"Prove yourselves everyday, get stronger, and smarter everyday. Push. As for my quirk? Well, I'm a simple healer. I can take cells and creat multiple of them, while doing so, I can also make a person go completely numb. So I recommend you all listening to me, I'm not a pro hero for no reason."

"Yes ma'am!"

We all said in our seats. She smirks at all of us and takes out a projector like remote, she clicks on it and describes what will be happening.

"Today you will be teaming up into two teams, your mission is to rescue a hostage, which would be Recovery Girl. The two 'villains' are actual teachers. One being Midnight, and the other being Present Mic. The second team isn't allowed to watch the first team did, as it would be an unfair advantage. Since there was only 10 of you, each group had 5 people."

She clicked to the next page that displayed the names of Team one and Team Two.

Team one: Nejire Hado, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Y/N Aizawa, and Kisho Ita.

Team Two: Eiji Yamamoto, Shiva Shina, Asahina Nakamara, Makoto Kin, and Yoshino Koichi.

"Sure a 5 v 2 should be easy right? Well you know the saying, don't underestimate your opponent, these are pro heroes. They will hit you with everything they got. I will give you 5 minutes to come up with a plan as soon as you guys meet me at Arena Beta. Here are your hero costumes, meet me there in 15 minutes. I assume you guys haven't put these bad boys on yet, remember I'll be giving out a form if you need a remodeled suit completely because you didn't like the way it was."

We all quickly stood up and grabbed our hero suits. The number was according to our seating placement and we understood that. We all walk to Arena B's locker room and got changed. My hero suit consisted of a crop top skin tight shirt that was sleeveless, the back had little slits on it so I could extend my wings without getting the back wet, the shirt was a little bit of a turtle neck. It was mostly white with (f/c) stripes on the side of it. I also had white spandex shorts that went over my bellybutton, the stripes from the top went down to the bottom as well. The spandex shorts only went down to mid thigh. I had on white combat boots to match the outfit as well, within the boots it had little springs so when landing it wouldn't be too rough. I had a belt that would hold my water bottle in case I ever got thirsty. I also had (f/c) goggles that were similar to Papas. I also put my hair up into a high pony tail so I didn't have to worry about it too much.

Walking out, Nejire and I walked towards the gates of Arena Beta. Quickly our classmates soon gathered around as well and we split off into teams. Miss Yamaka took us to the building where the hostage would be held. She then gave us 5 minutes to plan everything out. I looked Ita, I remembered his quirk had something to do with flowers and I think we could take advantage of that.

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