Meeting Class 1-A

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We could hear Papa introducing work studies. He then called for us to come in and apologize for keeping us waiting. Mirio and Nejire walked in first, then me and Tamaki walked in after. Mirio had his arms crossed, Nejire had her hands behind her back, I had my hands on my hips and Tamaki had his hands in his pockets. He was visibly shaking, but class 1-A didn't think that was the case. I could hear Papa introduce the big three first.

"Here's the Big Three and the Top Student, introduce yourselves. Starting with you, Amajiki."

Papa says as he quickly gets into his sleeping bag. Tamaki was staring at the students and they all got terrified. But I could tell he was scared to introduce himself he calls out our names and turns around to hit his head on the chalk board behind us. The students were confused and I just walk over to him, grabbing his hand and massaging it softly.

"It's okay.. relax.."

I whispered softly. Nejire then takes the lead and starts hopping up and down.

"The scared one is Tamaki Amajiki, the girl comforting him is Y/N. I'm Nejire Hado! We came here to talk about work studies!"

She then started asking questions towards everyone. She was bouncing all over the place with questions and I just sigh and look at Mirio, I could see Papa looking at Mirio as well.


She was still asking questions. She stopped when she realized that Mirio had offered to fight all of them. Instead of introducing himself, he decided to fight them to see their spirits and see if they were worthy.

We all head to the gym and Tamaki still had his face to the wall as I waited for Mirio to attack everyone. He waited for them. Then a boy with green hair lunged at him as his clothes fell off and one of the girls screamed.

He apologizes and uses his quirk to leave everyone in shock. He then defeats all of them swiftly.

"5 seconds. That's a record."

I said chuckling. Then a kid with Blonde hair and red eyes glares at me.

"You, you haven't said a damn thing and that's the first thing you've said? How are you the top student?"

"So you have heard of me? That's great. Trying to keep titles off my head.. why don't I show you why I'm the top student?"

I said shrugging my shoulders. I get off the wall I'm on, and Tamaki grabs my hand.

"Please don't get hurt.."

I didn't understand why he was scared, but either way I nodded my head. I realized it was because he was actually afraid of the kid, that's when I realized it was Katsuki Bakugou. He's known for being aggressive and getting kidnapped by the league. I walk towards the center as Mirio helps the rest of the class out by moving them away. The green haired guy had his notebook out while he was looking at me,

"Kaachan is strong, but I imagine she's stronger being the top student and all."

"Damn nerd! Watch me beat her in 5 seconds!"

I let him use his quirk to blast himself in the air to get closer to me, as he was about to blast my face, I activated my erasure quirk, grabbing his arm and flipping him over my head. I then pinned him to the ground just as quickly.


Papa takes a deep breath, pointing towards me and the rest of the class looks over at the pinned Bakugou and realize that my hair was floating and my eyes were glowing as well.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly."

I squeezed his arm tightly causing him to groan a bit.

"My name is Y/N Aizawa. Daughter of Shota Aizawa. I'm the top student due to my own determination and skills. A leader to many of my classmates. I got to the top on my own. Papa over there only trained me. Saying if I wanted to get into UA I would have to do it myself. If you even think i got in due to recommendations, think again. He doesn't recommend students and it's for a good reason. I train under Hawks, the number 3 hero, well number 2 unofficially now. I got that position due to my placement in my first year sports festival. Any other questions?"

Most of them shook their heads and stared at me in awe. They then looked towards all four of us and I could see a determined look in all of their eyes. They once again try going against Mirio; Mirio obviously kept winning and beating them. He then explains how his quirk works and then they also asked about mine as well.

"Well, mine is simple I can manipulate the bonds of water, H2O, and erase people's quirks. I mostly use my water to make wings like so, and use whips."

I then display my wings and showed them my whip as well. I look at all of them and saw the bird boy looking at me. I waited for everyone to basically leave and he stays behind. Tamaki looks at me and I nod my head.

"Tokoyami was it? What's up?"

I said as I get closer to him.

"I worked under Hawks for my internship.. why didn't I see you there?"

I tilted my head. So this was the guy that Hawks picked up. I could see why. This kid had a lot of potential from what I saw. Also Hawks tended to have a thing for flying/bird quirks.

"I must've been away on a mission. Hawks sometimes sends me on them just because he trusts me a lot. He trusts that I'll get shit done."

He nods his head. He then bows for some odd reason and it makes me tilt my head,

"If you could please, train me. I want to be successful and fast like you and Hawks."

I place my hand on top of his head and squat down to make eye contact with him, I smile. I was surprised he even wanted to train under me out of all people. He could ask Hawks for training, but knowing Hawks he is probably busy.

"Of course. Just know that I too am busy. We can train on the weekends if I'm not busy with missions. Does that sound okay?"

He nods his head, and I could see his eyes light up with determination. He then left to go to his dorm room. I walk over to the big three and we start talking.

"Did anyone peak your guy's interest? The frog girl Asui, and that girl with brown hair and pink cheeks, Uraraka, definitely caught my eye!"

Nejire exclaims, bouncing up and down a bit. I can tell she was excited. I had a feeling she'd probably ask Ryuku if they can join them for work studies. Next to say something was Tamaki, which surprised me slightly. I didn't think he was paying attention enough to notice anyone.

"The kid with the red hair... he peeked my interest.. I-I wonder.."

He grabs my hand and calms down a bit as he was getting flustered. Mirio mentions Midoriya, which was no surprise. Midoriya kinda reminded me of Mirio in a way. Wanting to save a lot of people, it was a look they both had.

"I think Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami were interesting."

I said, they all nodded their heads. We then went back to our dorm room and chilled with our classmates for a little bit. As we were chilling together as a class Ita stood up.

"Guys, me and Yamamoto have an announcement... we're gay.. and dating.."

Ita was shaking a little bit as he exclaims this. All of us opened our mouths in shock before we all rushed the two boys and gave them a big hug. Ita was crying and Yamamoto was chuckling a bit.

"I told you they would accept us.."

He says softly, kissing Ita on the cheek. The flower boy gets all flustered and smiles at the rest of us.

It soon became late and it was time for us to go to bed before Miss Yamaka yells at us. As I was heading to my dorm room, I felt Tamaki grab my hand.

"B-bunny.. can you.."

He was a stuttering mess, but I think I understood what he wanted. I smile and nod my head.

"Sure.. let's sleep in your room tonight."

He smiles at me and kisses my cheek softly. I knew he wanted to cuddle with me as today was a bit overwhelming for him. We don't often talk to 20 first years and he's always had anxiety. At least this would calm him down.

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