1 year

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After the USJ incident, Papa was back and teaching at the school and everyone was prepping for the sports festival. Luckily today is a weekend day and I didn't have to train as hard today because Papa felt it was necessary to give me a break. Plus he knew what the weekend was and I may or may not had to convince Aunt Nemuri and Uncle Hizashi to convince him to give me a break. They had made him stay the night at one of their house.

I wake up with Sakura Flowers on my night stand with a little note right next to it. I tilted my head and rub my eyes. I reach for the note and recognize the handwriting.

Hey my little bunny... today is very special day.
Come out to the dinning room
~Your love <3

A smile was plastered on my face as I could smell (favorite breakfast food) within the air. I get up out of bed and walk towards my door. I was currently in one of his shirts with only my underwear on underneath. I walk towards the dinning room and sit down. Within the kitchen I could see Tamaki prepping some food and I smile.

I could see him stuttering and whispering to himself about how he should do this and begins to walk over to where I was and placed the food right in front of me without realizing I was there. Once he realized I was there he blushes and smiles.

"H-Hey.. b-bunny.."

He clears his throat as I stand up to give him a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer to him.

"Happy one year, y/n.."

"Happy one year Tamaki."

I say with a smile plastered on my face. I then look towards the food he made and sat down. My stomach started growling and so does his. I thank him for the food and begin eating. He's a really good cook, and I imagine it's mostly because of his quirk and how whatever he eats he can use it in a battle.

Once we were finished eating he tells me to get dressed.

"What to wear though?"

I question tilting my head. I pick up the plates and bring them over to the kitchen. He walks with me to the sink and I wash them as he dries them off and puts them away.

"Um... w-wear something outdoor like?"

I nod my head as we finished up the dishes. I put the last plate away as Tamaki spins me around and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and blushes furiously,

"I-I... I'll be back shortly.. I'm going to change at my house.. wait here for me?"

He says softly as he lays his forehead against mine. I nod my head and smile towards him. He pulls away and heads toward his house. Meanwhile I went to go and find a cute outdoorsy type outfit.

I was debating on whether or not to wear a cute sundress, but I didn't find any that suited what I was looking for. Then I decided on a pair of shorts that had the overalls, and a crop top that was (f/c) with white pokadots all over it. I also put on some thigh high socks with some (f/c) shoes to match. I slip on my bracelet that me and Tamaki have together and a necklace that Papa gave to me. It wasn't too big but it was beautiful so that's why i wore it.

Once I was done getting dressed Tamaki knocks on my door. I grab my purse and yell at Papa that I was leaving. Once I open the door, Tamaki was there holding a bouquet of flowers. Pink Roses to be specific.

It reminded me the day that we got ice cream. I looked up at him and begin to cry a bit. His eyes widen a bit and begins to get worried,

"I-I thought you- I thought you l-liked Pink Roses, Y-Y/N..."

I wipe the tears away from my face and nod my head,

"I do, they remind me of the day we got ice cream. It was the day I discovered I had some weird feelings for you as well.. I love these Tamaki, thank you."

He smiles softly at me. He places them in a vase on the counter and then takes my hand. He shuts the door and we begin walking towards the place he was taking me. It was mid-day in Japan so the sun was up and the streets were filled with families buying food for the week. It was a Saturday so most kids were with their parents.

The first place we went to was an aquarium. It was amazing seeing all the sea life that was around Japan, we even got to see some octopi, which instantly reminded me of his quirk and he may have activated it to show me how identical it was. It was a fun adventure at the aquarium, the next place he took me to was the fair grounds.

We stayed there going on rides and playing games until the sun was setting. It was a fun and romantic day, and the best way to end it was going to the lake where it all started. Tamaki had set up a blanket and a candle lit dinner on the peer.

"D-do you remember what happened here?"

He hesitantly asks as he sits down on the blanket and pats for me to sit right next to him.

"Of course I do. How could I forget the night I was thrown into the cold water by my best friend."

I laugh a bit as Tamaki chuckles nervously. I hold his hand softly as we gaze into each other's eyes. He smiles at me, and I could tell he was nervous about something.

"I'm glad that day happened. It sucked being without you, I never want to be away from you like that ever again. Y/N Aizawa... I love you so much, there's no one in this world who can take my love away from you. They can try but I will always only want you."

My face flushed red as he finally muttered the three words neither of us have been confident enough to say to each other. I smile as he places his forehead against mine. His hair was blocking a bit of his eyes, but I could still see his indigo eyes.

"I love you too, Tamaki Amajiki..."

His smile softens as he blushes, he begins to lean in when he asks,

"M-may I kiss you..."

I nod my head as he leans in further and places his lips on mine. I smile in the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me close by hesitantly wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel his face heat up from the amount of blushing that was going on with his face. We pull away for air and smile at each other.

"Happy one year, bunny."

"Happy one year, elf boy."

I giggle softly as I kiss his ear and he smiles at the name. He then reaches into the basket and holds out a small box for me to open.

"I-I'm not asking you to marry me y-yet... b-but... I do want to make a promise.. that no matter what we go through, no matter how rough and tough our hero work gets.. we will stay together to the end.."

He opens the box and reveals two rings. One for me and one for him. I nod my head and smile at him. I put it on my left ring finger and he does the same. For the remainder of the night we ate whatever was within the basket and accidentally fell asleep at the lake where we first confessed our feelings. The night sky was too beautiful not to look at.

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