Class Rep

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I woke up this morning, it was a Monday, the week after our little break that we randomly got. I slip on the school uniform and tie the tie. I had socks that went up to my thighs and I put my hair in a half up half down sort of style. I smile as exit the house and started walking with Tamaki.

I enter school feeling different. It was a good different. I felt happy to be where I felt like I belong. As of right now me and Tamaki were holding pinkies while walking to class. His shyness wouldn't allow for him to hold my hand in front of tons of people, but I was okay with this. I have to be patient with him. I knew this from the start. Even though we did kiss when confessing our feelings but I believe that was because it was just him and I alone.

What surprised me was that Mirio wasn't walking with us, Tamaki said he had stopped by his house earlier and he was throwing up. It seemed that he was sick. I put a reminder in my head to get soup for Mirio later. We walk to class, only having 5 minutes left until the bell rang. As we head to class we see Akane.

"Oh my gosh! Aizawa-Chan? How are you feeling?"

I could see her reaching out for me, I activated my erasure quirk and pinned her to the wall. My hair was levitating, and it let me know I erased a quirk. It let any bystander around know that my quirk was activated.

"Not gonna work this time, Akane. I don't understand what your deal is, but you better leave me and my friends out of it."

She spat on me, attempting to make me blink. I roll my eyes while staring into her.

"Oh boo hoo class rep. Looks like you were too afraid to face weakness, and look where it led you right to me. I should've used more power against you, maybe you would have given up quicker and that spot left opened would've let me swoop right into the Hero's course where I belong!"

She exclaims loudly, she starts digging her nails into the hands that I have pinned against her. I let her go and shove her far away from me and Tamaki.

"I earned my spot as both class representative and in the hero's course. I work my ass off everyday, and I'm not going to let some scum like you ruin it. If you want it so badly quit bitching and complaining about it and work for it."

I exclaim back, the bell rings and I open the door to see a cookie cake and a fruit basket. I looked towards Tamaki and he shrugs his shoulders. I smile at my classmates and give them all a big hug.

"Togata and Amajiki told us about how you were having a rough time so we wanted to make you feel better as a class!"

Shina says as she comes close to me and Tamaki. She had a heartwarming smile on her face. I then saw Nakamara and Yamamoto hold up the cookie cake together.

"Don't think we haven't noticed!"

I heard Nakamara say,

"I mean you're not only our class rep but our friend. We've known each other for a year now. We could tell you were down."

Ita produces some flowers and gave them to me.

"These will help you relax and feel much better."

I smelled the light blue flowers and they smelt amazing. They definitely helped me relax as well,

Kin and Koichi then came up to me and handed me the gift basket. I could feel tears start to prickle my eyes. Then I see Nejire and Mirio.

"Did you guys do this? Thank you all so much..."

I started crying more and I hugged all of my classmates. I set the stuff down next to my seat. I look towards miss Yamaka and she nods her head.

"I apologies for my behavior. At the time I had no idea what was going on, and now that I know. I must report it to the staff. I want you all to know that I'm thankful that you guys care. As we continue going through this course as a class, let's all keep our heads up, and reach out for one another and try our best. Let's go beyond our best, let's go Plus Ultra!"

I say with a smile as I pump my fist up in the air, the rest of my classmates smile. I take my seat and cut up the cookie cake and handed pieces all around as miss Yamaka begins to talk about our next so called field trip.

"In a week, I will be taking you guys to a training camp. You must all be prepared, you've all showed yourself worthy to go and I believe it will be in your best interest to go. All of your hero agencies know that you'll be with the class so they won't request you. Your parents know as well as we all told them throughout the break. It will just be our class, also we will be getting two new students during the training camp. There, they will be tested to see if they fit the hero's course."

We all nodded our heads and she gave us a little bit of a break before the next teacher would come in and teach us math.  I felt Nejire pounce on me, and I turn to look at her.

"Hey! Hey! Do you wanna go shopping? It'll be so much fun!"

I scratch the back of my head, before nodding.

"Sure I could pick up some bug spray and sunscreen. Is Mirio and Tamaki allowed to come as well?"

Her eyes light up at the thought of more people coming so she invited them quickly. I see Tamaki get nervous because he knows that malls tend to have a lot of people. I stare at him until he finally looks at me, I smile softly at him and this causes him to blush a lot. I just shake my head, then the next teacher walked in. Today Ectopalsm was teaching us math. I think all this week the plan is to learn basic school stuff because next week we'll be leaving for the training camp.

As soon as class let out, me and Tamaki went to Principal Nezu's office to report what Akane Amiee did. He asked for proof and I told him about her quirk. I also told him how she manipulated my emotions to the extreme. Tamaki also explained how this occurred. He was right by my side the whole time. Principal Nezu believed us, but also had Papa and Present Mic come in to see if we were telling the truth about my odd behavior for the last month. She was then expelled from the school after further investigation.

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