You aren't

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Mirio started. I was still frozen in place. I couldn't believe the woman in front of me. She was here. Alive. Well. Just now showing up coincidentally the day the training camp was attacked. The day papa had to prepare a speech and protect his students.

It was no coincidence and I was able to come up with that just as quickly. I look at Mirio and Tamaki and signal them to quickly get Hawks or Present Mic or even my Papa here. Some sort of pro hero. I didn't understand what was taking anyone so long to get here. Hawks was known for his speed, where the hell is he.

Tamaki stays, Mirio disappears and i could see the woman prepare for an attack from behind, only to get hit by a water pulse by me. It knocked her off her feet and she flips to get back up.

"Ah, I guess you really did get my quirk. Such a shame you wanna be a hero. We could've made a great team."

I could feel her water rushing towards me. More specifically my neck. I create two water bubble from my wrist and protect my neck, ultimately blocking her attack. Tamaki was able to grab her from behind and lift her in the air, hoping to slam her down, only for her to cut off the tentacle arm and escape out of it. We both rush her at the same time. He had a clam for his hand, and I had a water fist ready. I also opened my eyes to erase any quirk she possibly had that we didn't know of.

He attacked high, and I attacked low in case she ducked. She doesn't react in time and I assumed it had something to do with the fact she didn't have her quirk. Tamaki then was able to punch her in the face, and send her flying over me. Because I lost sight of her for a second she was able to get her quirk back, she used her water to drag me with her. I went stumbling into the forest where we trained Shinsou.

Her back was against a tree and I was laying on the ground. Naturally I had bruises and cuts everywhere. Tamaki and Mirio were no where to be seen. When he wants to, Tamaki can pack a mean punch, especially with his crab arm.

I can only imagine that he's feeling guilty right now because I lost sight of her. I would have to tell him that it isn't his fault.

I could start to feel her footsteps come near me and I used my water pulse to hit her against the tree again. I opened my eyes and activated my erasure quirk, I also used my water quirk to keep myself from blinking. I was breathing heavily. This fight wasn't an easy one. Especially since she was also taking from water. Her quirk was able to drain some of my personal storage whenever it came in contact with me.

I've also came to the conclusion that she was part of the league, why else would she know that Papa would be announcing this stuff and why else would she come here.

Apparently she still had some energy left within her and she was able to quickly grab me by my throat and slam me against a tree. My eyes were still open the whole time, to prevent her from using her quirk. I don't know what other quirk this woman had, and honestly I didn't want to know. Her sharp nails were digging into my throat as she used her other hand to make me blink by running her sharp nails along my arm. Causing there to be blood.

"That's no way to treat your mother. Disgruntled little brat. Mommy is here to take you to where you belong. The League. We need someone powerful like you. I really thought not being able to get into that Hero's Course would've turned you.. too bad they discovered the mix up."

I spat in her face, causing her to slap me, I still managed not to blink and kept my eyes on her the whole time. So it was her that made it seem like I wasn't in the hero's course. This caused my anger to get worse. I definitely couldn't control much water with my oxygen levels decreasing, and with the amount of blood I'm bleeding, my water decided to try and block more from coming out.

"You definitely got that quirk from that piece of shit father of yours. Don't you miss me baby girl? Didn't you need your mommy in your life? I can only imagine how hard it was not to have me. But I had to do what I had to do. I couldn't stay with your father and he wouldn't let me take you."

"You're not my mother. As far as I know, you're a complete stranger that's a villain and I will take you down."

She slaps me again, harder this time. She even punches me in my gut. I started to lose some oxygen I grab her arm and attempt to tear it away from my throat.

"You were the... the one to leave. If you wanted me so badly you could've taken me, but no.. you.. you come back after 18 years because you couldn't handle taking care of a child."

This pisses her off, I could feel her pull her leg back in an attempt to kick me, only to be grabbed by Mirio from the underground and he flips her towards the ground. Tamaki rushes to my side as I slide down the tree. His eyes filled with worry, as I kept my gaze on the woman in front of us. My eyes still wide open, my own water quirk was keeping them moisturized as a way to keep them open longer without needing to blink. It burned like hell, but there was no chance that I would let this woman use her quirk again.

Soon Hawks and Present Mic were here and he was able to arrest her and put her into the handcuffs that prevented people from using this quirk. When he came I was finally able to blink. I laid my head against the tree behind me and Tamaki was right next to me. I let out a sight of relief and started breathing heavily. He lifted me up in bridal position and carried me towards the street where there were ambulances and police cars. I could tell he was starting to panic at the amount of scratches I had on my body.

He took me to one of the ambulance trucks and they started to care for me. I saw Shinsou and pointed for Tamaki to bring him over to me. He brings Shinsou over and I hug him close.

"I'm glad you're okay. Thank you for listening to me.."

He nods his head and hugs me back. I haven't been training him for long, but he's already feeling like a little brother to me and I couldn't ask for anything else. In the distance I could feel Papa running towards us.

"Y/N! Hitoshi! Amajiki! Togata!"

We all look in the direction of Papa. His face was determined. I swear he was just at the training camp. Looks like he came back and heard about what happened.


I looked into his eyes and he instantly knew something was troubling me. I decided to wait until we were at the hospital in order to talk about it. I knew I would have to be admitted in because they needed to check up on my whole body.

Once the checkup was finished, Mirio, Tamaki, uncle Hizashi, Shinsou, and Papa were in the room. I looked towards Papa to close the door.

"That was my mother apparently."

I could see Hizashi flinch and Papa stiffened up.


"You didn't know she joined the league did you?"

I looked towards Papa, I really hope he didn't know. If he did, that only put me in unknown danger and I didn't really appreciate it if that was the case. He looks at me and shakes his head,

"All I knew was that she left. When the league attacked the camp, I didn't see her there. I don't understand why she would come after you either. This won't be the last time you run into her either. The league is targeting someone at UA."

Papa crosses his arms and sighs,

"I'm sorry you all had to meet her this way. Hell I'm sorry you had to meet her at all."

Papa apologizes. I nod my head. Tamaki pulls me into a hug and rubs my back,

"Please stop crying Bunny..."

He whispers softly into my ear, I didn't even realize I was crying. Once I did, I couldn't stop. I then felt more arms around me, this time it was Mirio's.

"It's okay Sunshine, we're here for you.."

I felt safe in their arms. I knew they could protect me, and they knew I could protect myself. Everyone has a time of weakness, and that's okay.

Through it all || Tamaki Amajiki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now