Nomu Aftermath

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I scream out, I heard loud beeping. I looked to my left and it was a heart monitor beating fast as my heart races. My breathing was erratic and it was heavy. I then felt all of the pain in my body and I started to scream a little bit. I started to breath harder, thinking no one was going to help me, I was quick to lay back and let the tears run down my face.

I felt a hand squeeze mine and I look at the direction of the hand that was squeezed. Within the fading darkness I saw elf ears and blue spikey hair. I could see his mouth moving but all I could hear is white noise. It was all muffled and all I could hear was a loud ringing. I could feel the bed being put down into a lower resting position as they tried to figure out what was happening. The monitor was going crazy and so was I. Breathing started to get difficult and I could feel them put something around my face.

They also injected an IV into my arm. It seemed like they were putting a new one in. I could hear the monitor slowing down and Tamaki's soft voice right next to me,

"It's me Bunny.. I'm right here."

I then started to feel my body again, I could feel his hand holding on to mine, making it warm inside the cold hospital. My breathing felt heavy, as I turn my head to see his blurry figure. I could see his nervous smile form as he brings my hand up to kiss it.

"You're safe now.."

He whispers softly. There was still a searing pain as the light in the room was too bright for me to handle. He seems me wince and gets up quickly to close the blinds, also to dim the lights. Sitting back down he holds on to my hand.

"Where's Papa?"

"He's back at the school, he'll come by later."

It was hard to talk with the oxygen mask over my face, I could see Tamaki shaking a little bit. I reach my hand up towards his face,

"I love you."

I said softly to him, he leans his head into my hand and kisses it softly. I wipe away the tears that were going down his face. I know we've both been through rough things but this by far was the worst. I didn't know how long I was out for, it probably wasn't that long.

"I-I love you too.."

He says between crying. I could tell he wanted to hug me but couldn't because of all the wires and tubes. So instead he held on to my hand. He pressed the button to sit me upright and I smile softly at him.

"How long was i out for?"

Tamaki clears his throat and coughs a little. He scratches the back of his head and blushes a bit. That indicated to me that however long I was here for, he was here with me.

"2 weeks?"


The heart monitor started to beat faster once more. The nurse rushes in and lays the bed down quickly. I could once more feel my chest beating fast. I think she wanted to see what my blood pressure and heart pulses are at without the monitor because she took her stethoscope and checked around my heart area. I wonder if she was checking for any blockages. She then looked at the monitor, saw that my blood pressure was rising, she quickly put some medicine into the IV, hoping that would lower it.

"Sir has your fiancé ever had a family history of high blood pressure?"

Fiancé? Not going to lie, I kinda like the sound of that, but I'm wondering where she got the idea. Maybe because the both of us are wearing our promise ring. I'm surprised they didn't take it off my finger as they operated on me. I know I have tons of stitches on my back. The last thing I do remember was going through a bunch of buildings. My water tried protecting me, but it was no use as I started to go unconscious.

"Not that I know of."

"I see. Well, Miss Aizawa. We're going to run a few test and that will determine whether or not you need to start taking medication for high blood pressure."

I bite my lip and nod my head. She was able to stop the loud beeping. She was also able to remove the mask from my face, seeing as I had enough oxygen as my levels were back to normal. As soon as she walks out of the room, Tamaki is instantly on my lips, kissing them softly.

"I love you so much, Bunny.. please y/n.. please don't scare me like that again."

"Tamaki.. I'll try.. but I can't promise it. You know the line of our work is dangerous. But to ease your worries, I'll try my best.."

He mouths that he knows and places his forehead against mine and kisses me once more. He missed me a lot, that much I can tell. When he pulls away to sit on the chair again, he hands me a cup of water and has me drinking out of it. He also takes a sip of a water bottle that was almost empty.

Soon the room was filled with chatter and Mirio, Papa, Uncle Hizashi, and Nejire were all in here as Tamaki used the bathroom.

"We're glad you're awake Sunshine!"

Mirio says happily, I smile softly at the blonde. Nejire nods her head and smiles as well. Papa looks at me,

"I know this is your line of work, but you're still a student."

Uncle Hizashi punches him softly,

"All of your homework and classes have been excused, however, you do need to catch up on studies. Remember that."

Papa finishes. He ruffles my hair and hugs me softly.

"Maybe we need to train you on how not to get injured."

He whispers softly, I knew he was joking and caused me to laugh. It felt nice to know that they weren't going to discourage me from becoming a hero. After all that's what I am at UA for.

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