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"babe, did you go home yet?" The person on the other side of the call asks and I seriously almost threw up. Disgusting. I stay quiet still having no clue what to say.

"Y/n?" He speaks again. "You're probably her boyfriend right? She almost got kidnapped and she's unconscious right now" I speak and the line goes quiet before he speaks again "who are you? And where are you right now?" He asks almost breaking down. Geez, such a cry baby.

"I'm seungcheol and come to the third house down the street next to the cafe. I'll come outside so it's easier" "Okay, I'll be there in 5 mins" and the dude cuts off the line.

"I'll be back" I say to the two who are still watching over her. They nod in response and I walk out to all the guys seated around the living room "is she alright?" "Did she wake up?" "Not yet. Her boyfriends coming now though and im gonna go check" I say pointing towards the door.

"I'll come with you" Vernon stands up, following behind me as I make my way towards the door. "Is it the guy from the cafe?" He asks and I nod. "It probably is him". He hums in response.

Within minutes a car pulls up in front of us. "Are you seungcheol?" He asks shutting the door to the car. "Yes. Come in". With Vernon leading the way to the room I can literally see the guy freezing when all nine guys scattered across the living room turn all their attention towards him. I might burst into a laugh right now.

"Thank you so much" the guy called hyunsik says after slowly laying her down the seat and putting on her seatbelt. "No problem" I say with a smile. Cause my smile is beautiful, okay.

"Is there- WAIT!! Aren't you guys from a band?" Hyunsik asks looking at all 13 of us. "Yeah... Have you heard of seventeen? Were quite famous. I'm surprised you didn't recognize at first" I swear this minghao.

"Ooh..." He nervously chuckles. "I'm sorry about that. But is there anyway I could return this favour you guys did?" He asks. "No it's alright we would do anything for her" Seungkwan blabbers. Why do they have to be so dumb. I mentally facepalm myself.

"What?" "Oh nothing. Well get home safe and just don't tell her about any of this." I pat hyunsik on the shoulder."okay, I'll get going now." He smiles before getting in the car and driving off. Why does Rose even walk alone so late? While the rest of the guys went back in, I decided to just go out again. Hyunsik seems nice. Well he better not hurt our Rose's heart.

Omg I make things so dramatic. But honestly tho, I'm really sorry for all the mistakes I made there.
Thanks for reading tho♥️

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