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Your POV
I smile to myself as I walk hand in hand with none other than hyunsik. The soft waves hit our barefeet as the darkness takes over the skies. The experience isn't new. We come here at least twice a month, with each other of course, just to relax and spend time with each other. Yes, hyunsik does have a job and he's really hardworking. He never fails his duties as a perfect boyfriend either. "Jimin told me about some guys at the cafe watching you" he stops and turns to look at me. I nod not knowing what to say "you're okay right?" He asks, slightly caressing my shoulder. "Yes I'm fine. It was weird because they just kept looking at me the whole time and even when they came to place the order" I say with a light smile. He nods knowingly, slowly pulling me into a warm hug. I wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest.

After our little walk at the beach we decided to have dinner and that's exactly what we did. Walking out of the restaurant we get into the car as hyunsik starts driving. "Wanna stay the night?" He asks glancing at me every once in a while, as he continues to drive. "Okay" I respond. Seeing a smile plaster on his lips I can't help but smile too.

"Hey there twilight" I squat down while the little pomenarian comes running towards us right after we walked into the house. And of course I named this little angel. "Ugh... Aren't I enough for you?" Hyunsik questions as he places the keys on the table. "Don't be jealous of this cute little thing" I say patting the little fluff ball that continues to lick my hands. "I can't believe you're cheating on me with that guy" hyunsik says pointing at little twilight. I burst out into laughter as hyunsik just stares at the dog. Standing back up I walk towards the other giant puppy who's now pouting. I giggle before throwing my arms around him and engulfing in a tight hug.

After changing into a pair of hyunsiks shorts and a huge shirt I cuddle up next to him on the couch as his eyes are glued on the screen. Snaking his arm around my waist he pulls me closer and I rest my head on his shoulder. About half an hour into the movie that was playing I drift into a sleep.

I turn to my right at the sound of a horn, my eyes get blinded by a bright light before everything goes black. The last thing I see being the shocked faces of the boys.

I abruptly wake up and start crying. Why did I see that again? My heart continues to beat fast as my tears fall down. Hyunsik pulls me into a hug, gently stroking my back as my tears soak onto his shirt. "It's okay baby, it's just a nightmare" he continues to comfort me. I let out little sniffles slowly wrapping my arms around hyunsiks waist. "I-its the second t-time I'm seeing that" I say in between light sobs. "Seeing what baby?" hyunsik asks in his smooth tone, helping me to calm down. "Me... It was me when I was small. I get knocked by a car and there were a bunch of guys with me and then everything just goes black" I slowly let go of hyunsik and smile, as he wipes off the tears from my cheeks. "It's alright beautiful. I'm here for you okay?" I nod in response before lying back down on the bed. Hyunsik places a soft kiss on my forehead before protectively cuddling onto my side. Feeling the warmth of the hug I fall asleep once again.

Not much of seventeen in this chapter I know. I have no idea where this story is going lol. Sorry if it's terrible. And thanks for reading...

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