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I wake up, startled as Seokmin keeps screaming in my ear. "WHAT IS IT?" I scream back. "We're here" he says and I look out of the van to see everyone already outside. Seokmin lends his hand and I smile before taking his hand as he helps me out of the van.

"Did you rest well?" Hyunsik asks, coming to stand beside me. "I did!" I say interwining my fingers with his. I look around where we are, and it was just a neighborhood. "Why are we here?" I ask no one in particular. "You're going to be meeting someone" Seungcheol says.

"Let's go" Hyunsik says, lightly squeezing my hand as we follow the rest of the guys towards a house. "Do you know who we are meeting?" I ask hyunsik as we stand right in front of the door, yet behind all the guys. "I do. But I can't really tell you" he says, smiling cheekily. I frown, feeling slightly nervous for no reason in particular.

"Oh Y/n. Sweetie!!" I raise my head up to face the voice. The boys had all moved onto either side while I was still holding onto Hyunsiks hand and feeling my tears about to spill any moment as I looked at the two people ahead of me. I look at Hyunsik and he nods letting go of my hand. "Mom! dad!" I say and run up to them, squeezing the both of them in a tight hug.

"I remember you!" I say whilst hugging them tighter. "I'm sorry" mom says. I feel my shoulder getting wet and slowly let go of the hug to see her crying. "Mom don't cry" I say slowly wiping off the tears, while I myself was crying.

"So you guys had been updating mom and dad about me?" I ask and they nod. My parents had told me and Hyunsik everything that had happened. I had lost my memory after I met with an accident. Because of that I had to live with my grandparents since my parents couldn't bare to see that I didn't remember them. it did hurt me a little, but I completely understood.

"Hyunsik dear, come with me for a while" both my parents say walking off to the kitchen, with hyunsik following behind. "Should I go check on them?" I ask, facing the guys. "Nope you stay here" Minghao says. I sigh and lay my head on Jeonghan's shoulder since he was sitting the closest to me. "Are you tired?" He asks moving the little strands of hair away from my face.

"Just a little" I say. "Are you happy to meet your parents again?" Seungcheol asks, coming to sit beside me. "I am. Thank you so much" I say smiling. "You Don't have to thank us. By the way, It was Vernon that wanted it to happen. We would always come visit your parents along with ours anyways" he replies with a smile.

It was nice to know that I remember little things from when I was younger apart from everything my parents told me a while ago. I look at all the boys around me, that are of course being extremely loud and smile to myself. If not for them I wouldn't have gotten to meet my parents again.

I hug Jeonghan, slightly closing my eyes. "You guys are the best!" I say. "Well yeah we are you don't have to remind us" he says making me playfully roll my eyes. "Idiot" I say and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back.

Thank you for reading!!
I love you♥️♥️

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