• 32 / Final •

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"Bye!" I wave at Hyunwoo and Hyejin as they wave back. Over the past two months I had kept coming to the same park on my way home from the café. Hyejin and I have become pretty much bestfriends, where she would tell me everything happening in her life while I would do so too. It felt nice having a girl bestfriend, knowing that it were just guys all this time.

"What are you doing here?" I ask chuckling, while closing the front door. "I was bored" Chan says, continuing to scroll through the channels on the television. "Where are you going?" He asks right when I was about to go upstairs. "Oh just to wash up maybe" I say. " Do that later. Come sit!" He says pointing to the seat next to him and I chuckle. "You are one whiny kid" I say, walking next to him and sitting on the couch.

Chan pulls me off the couch and i sigh. "What now?" I ask and he pouts. "I want to go to the backyard but it's getting dark and I'm scared" he says and I raise an eyebrow, but nevertheless nod and follow him. "You go first" he says lightly pushing me forward and I chuckle. "Scaredy cat~" I say, opening the door and going out onto the backyard.

"Ahh!!" Me and Chan scream when the guys pop out of nowhere. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE!!" the guys scream, holding out a cake, while I stood there speechless. The whole backyard was beautifully decorated, that I thought it was too pretty to be real.

"T-thank you!!" I say looking at each and everyone of them still shook. They start singing and I blow off the candles, cutting the cake once the song was over. "Happy birthday Rose!" Vernon says, rubbing a little frosting on my nose. "Hey!!" I exclaim and try to run but Joshua stops me. "It's just a little frosting" he says, rubbing more frosting on my face and running away. "You-" I was cut off when the guys put on more frosting all over my face.

"You can't catch us~" Minghao says, while I chase them around. "Yeah I can't" I say panting heavily, and giving up. It hadn't even been a minute and I was already tired. "Hey go wipe it off. You look... Like a cake" Jihoon says and I glare at him. "Go!" Wonwoo says, turning me around and pushing me towards the door.

I walk into my room and gasp seeing my whole room filled with gifts. The names on the gifts were nothing but the guys' ones and mine. I know they're rich and all, but they don't have to waste so much. "Rose hurry up!" I hear one of the guys scream. "Ok wait!" I scream back,rushing into the bathroom to wash off the frosting from my face.

Wiping my face dry I walk back downstairs to the guys being loud as usual. Standing by the door I watch the guys playing around with each other and smile. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turn around to face Hyunsik. "Hey!" I say, lightly waving at him. "Happy Birthday babe!!" He says, holding out a huge bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you!" I say holding onto the flowers with one hand, while Hyunsik squeezes me into a hug. "I love you" he says slowly rocking me from side to side. "I love you too hyun!" I say, resting my head on his chest. Letting go of the hug I smile at Hyunsik, and turn around to see Soonyoung and Seokmin imitating us. "Oh my god! I can't with them" I say and Hyunsik chuckles. "You're old I'm going to cry" Soonyoung and Seokmin say running upto us. "Idiots" I say chuckling and they pull me into another hug.

It had been more than just a few hours. The guys were still having fun and playing around or just talking along with Hyunsik. I grab my phone to take a picture of them but stop when I see a notification. I chuckle and go onto my Instagram, smiling widely when I see the post that pops up first.

'happy birthday Y/n!! Thank you for being the besttttt friend we could ask for!! We love you♥️ Forever Our Rose♥️!' I read the caption. The picture of us when Samuel visited was showing brightly on my screen. Liking the picture, I look up and smile at all the guys.

From having vague memories of them up until now, it was one long journey. Them randomly barging into the house and other memorable events like that are what I wish to never forget. The way they never gave up on me whenever I pushed them aside. By now a tear slipped down my cheek and I chuckled. Samuel wasn't wrong when he said I was a crybaby.

The guys were all enjoying themselves and having fun and I could never wish for anyone else besides them. Making eye contact with Seungcheol, he smiles at me and I mirror his actions. This. this is all I could ask for. The most amazing bestfriends ever. My family. "I love you guys!"

So this is it, the end of Memories:(
Thank you to everyone who read this. I know it wasn't really the best but well... I love you all sooo much♥️♥️
I hope you all liked this story atleast a bit.

Also what was your favourite part in the story?

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