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"HEY!!" "Hi everyone!!" "Hello" the guys scream. When I tell you I was dragged here, I mean it. Pretending to be asleep when the guys came over was a fail when they practically carried me and almost threw me towards the bathroom. Except for Jun who was being an angel but stole my bed to sleep in, I wanted to slap everyone else.

And that's how I ended up in one of their huge practice rooms. I would just say they kidnapped me. "We have a guest today" Seungcheol says and I shake my head mouthing a no, standing behind the camera. "Our guest is a little shy" he adds and I glare at him. 'do I have to?' I mouth and he nods. "Come on Rose" Seungkwan says and pulls me to sit beside the guys.

"Everyone, meet our bestfriend Y/n" Soonyoung says and I nervously wave at the camera. "Remember when we told you guys that we were friends since childhood? That is all actually 'cause of her... She made us the bestfriends we are today" Joshua says and I lightly smile looking at him.

Jun shows me the phone and I smile seeing the comments. "Thank you" I say and he smiles back at me. The comments were nothing but kind ones. I read some of the comments and chuckle. "Rose someone asked who your favourite member is" Vernon asks and I face him. "Jun of course" I say, hugging Jun who was beside me. "WHAT?!" They scream all turning now to look at me.

"I'm joking you all are my favourite" I say and chuckle. "She's lying" "totally is" "I know right!" They bicker. "I'm not lying... Unless you actually want Jun to be my favourite" I shrug. "You all shh... I know I'm her favourite" Chan says. "Oh no, I'm definitely her favourite" Minghao says. "You both mean I am right?"  Seokmin asks. "Nope they meant me" Seungcheol says. "Oh please! It's obvious that I'm her favourite" Soonyoung says.

"NOPE 'CAUSE I'M HER FAVOURITE" Seungkwan screams making all of us turn towards him. "I know they're not gonna shut up for a while" Jeonghan who was sitting behind me says. "I know right" Joshua who was also next to me says. "Hey... Look at this" Vernon says coming upto us.

"Y/n marry me please" Jun reads out. "NO. She has a boyfriend and he'll marry her someday" Wonwoo says and I playfully hit him. These guys are here to just embarass me. "The guys look so happy. Thank you Y/n" Vernon reads. "Huh?" I say confused. "Why are you thanking me" I ask, looking at the camera for a few seconds. "God She's stupid" Jeonghan says under his breathe with a sigh. "WHAT?!" I ask, facing him and he chuckles. "Nothing" he replies, pressing his finger on my cheek and making me turn back to the front.

"I'm done with them" Seungcheol says joining the circle we formed a while back to play a few games. I look over to the other side of the room to see the rest of the guys still arguing and laugh seeing them ready to murder each other. "Give me a minute" I say and walk towards the others.

"Hey didn't y'all argue enough already?" I ask. "Tell them I'm your favourite" Soonyoung says, grabbing onto my shoulders. "You guys are still arguing over that?" I ask and all of them nod. "Come on you all are equally annoying. I'm joking but look, I thought we came here to talk about the rumours and not argue over favourites" I say, crossing my arms.

"Yeah let's go" Jihoon says, dragging the rest of the guys behind him. "HI WE'RE BACK" Soonyoung screams and I sigh walking back to my initial spot next to Jun and Joshua. "Apparently I'm her favourite" Mingyu shrugs and says looking at the camera, I turn around to glare at him making him giggle and look away.

"Alright so carats, you all can ask Y/n any questions" Seungcheol says and I lightly smile at the screen. "Oh... Y/n when did you and the guys become friends?" Vernon reads out a comment. "Uh... We all lived in the same neighborhood since childhood and I would say from around that time" I say and Vernon proceeds onto the next question with the same process continuing for a while.

"BYE CARATS" "We love you carats!" "bye!!" "Thank you for joining today's live!" The guys say. Joshua lightly nudges me from the side gaining my attention. "Say bye" he says signalling to the phone that was recording the live, "O-oh yeah" I say. "Bye! Take care" I say, lightly waving my hands in front of me.

"See it wasn't bad!" Wonwoo says coming upto me and I nod chuckling. "I'm so proud of you" he says, hugging me. "Rose you did so good!!" The guys slowly gather up around us, each taking turns to hug me. "Thank you!" I say looking at all the guys. "Thank you for being there for me" I add, smiling. "Aww... Come here" Minghao says, pulling me into a huge group hug.

Thank you all for reading!!
I hope you all are doing well!
Please don't mind any mistakes...
I love you all♥️

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