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"Did you listen to our new song?" Chan asks. Chan visited the café today and decided to stay until I was done, to walk home with me. "I did. And oh my god it's sooo good" I say purposely dragging the 'so' while jumping around like a fan would. To my luck the streets were empty as usual. "We'll I'm glad you liked it" he replies with a chuckle.

"How are the guys treating you?" I ask and Chan dramatically rolls his eyes. "Terrible. I don't feel like the youngest. Other groups practically worship their maknaes and then there's me" he starts complaining to which I laugh in reply. "Don't you boss around them?" I ask. "They only boss around me" he says with a pout and I awe at the sight. "You should turn that the other way around you know" I say and he hums in response. "I'll make sure I do" he says making the both of us laugh.

My phone starts to ring and I take it out of my bag. "Oh it's Seungkwan" I say looking at the caller ID. "Answer it" Chan says and I do just that. "Rose are you alright? Are you with Chan right now?" He asks and I could tell he's panicking by his voice. "Yeah... Im fine and Yes I am with him. What's wrong?" I ask. "Listen Rose. Go home quick. We'll come take him from there. But for now just go fast. And also make sure to wear maybe a mask" I hear Wonwoo say. "Okay but what's wrong?" I ask.

"We'll tell you later. Could you pass your phone to Chan" Seungkwan speaks this time. "Wait" I say and hand over my phone. Grabbing two masks from my bag while Chan keeps speaking, I pass one over to him and he takes it. "Let's go" Chan says giving me back my phone and holding onto my hand while walking fast. Deciding not to ask anything right now I just pick up my pace and follow him.

"Isn't hyunsik home?" Chan asks once I open up the front door. "He has a meeting. So he'll get late" I say and Chan nods in reply. "Now mind telling me why we ran all the way home?" I ask crossing my arms. "Ask Jeonghan when he comes" he replies and walks right past me to the kitchen. I sigh and take a seat on one of the sofas. Chan walks into the living room a few minutes later with a bag of chips and sits beside me. "Do you want some?" He asks holding out the back, to which I politely decline.

The door bell rings and I stand up to go see who it is. "Oh hey" I greet the boys standing at the door. "ROSE!!" I widen my eyes as Soonyoung runs towards me. Well, this is the end for me. "We love you" he says, crushing me in a hug. "I know you'll do, but you're trying to kill me now" I say and he slowly lets go. "Sorry" he says rubbing the back of his neck. "It's alright" I say chuckling.

"Come in" I say and the boys follow me into the living room. My phone beeps and I grab it, widening my eyes right when I see the text. 'stay away from seventeen. People like you only ruin everything for them. Disgusting...' reading the text over and over only hurt even more. "What's wrong?" Jeonghan asks, coming to stand beside me. I look up at him as he reads the message only to give the same reaction as me.

Thank you for reading!!
I love you all♥️
Also please don't mind any mistakes

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