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"hey, hey Y/n babe Wake up" I turn to my side, pulling the blanket over my head to block the sunlight that is seeping in through the curtains. I feel two arms slowly lift me off the bed making me scream. "HYUNSIK PUT ME DOWN!" "No happy valentine's Day for me" he says and I open my eyes to see him pouting.

I'm pretty sure I look like a complete mess now, but he's not one to judge so it doesn't matter. I hug hyunsik "happy valentine's Day babe... I'm sorry I kind of forgot about it" "that's alright. Happy valentine's Day to you too. Surprise in the night okay!" I smile and nod.

He softly pecks my forehead as usual, then slowly lets me back down. "Go get ready. I'll drop you off at work today" I nod walking straight to the bathroom to get ready from another long day of work.

"Good morning Mr. Park" I greet once I step into the cafe. "Good morning Y/n" he smiles like always. "How's your valentine doing?" He asks. "Oh he's doing great" I reply with a smile "And how about you. Did you find a valentine?" I ask. "And do you think I ever would?" He lets out a laugh. "I'm just going to pretend like I haven't seen the people coming to the cafe checking you out" "no they don't" "yes they do"
"No they d-"

The bell at the door rings signalling that someone had come, Making us turn towards them. 'Why do they look extremely familiar?' I think to myself. There were a whole bunch of guys walking into the cafe. Thirteen of them to be specific. 'Oh wait! They're the same noisy people that came before'. I check the time on my watch and I was ten minutes late today.

I rush to the back and leave my things, grabbing my Apron and tying it on right after before rushing back to the front. "Hello how may I help you" jimin asks with a smile. The guys place their orders and walk to the far corner of the cafe while we start preparing the orders. "I saw a couple of them stare at you today as well"

I turn towards jimin "really?" I ask. "Yeah. Do you know any of them?" He asks and I shake my head slowly "I don't" I reply and he nods. After preparing the food and coffees I follow my other fellow employee with a tray of pastries upto the table, placing each item neatly on the table.

I turn around to head back to the front but immediately stop when a hand wraps around my wrist. "Rose?"

Okay... So I thought of just updating one chapter for valentine's Day. Also sorry for the cringe I have no idea where this is going.
Thanks for reading and happy valentine's Day♥️

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