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It was the afternoon and we took a break from all the rides to have food, which we already had. "Ice cream please!" I say with a pout, looking at Seungcheol. It was his fault for saying he could look after thirteen kids since he's already surviving with twelve. Soon a few other guys join in, making Seungcheol finally give in and get us what we want.

Handing over our ice creams one by one, we thank him and start eating. The park was starting to get crowded now since it was the afternoon. "You got ice cream on your face rose" Seungkwan says chuckling. "Wait" Wonwoo says and stretches his hand, wiping off a bit of ice cream from my nose and rubbing it off against my shirt. "I could've just done it myself" I say glaring at him. "Aw you don't have to thank me" he says, squeezing my cheeks while Chuckling.

"Everyone look" Mingyu screams loud enough for all of us to hear. We all do as said and squeeze ourselves together to fit into the selfie. "Stop tickling me" I say laughing as Jun and Joshua do exactly that while standing on either side of me. "Rose you look pretty!" Mingyu says, holding out his phone. I was red and laughing like crazy while the guys around me were laughing while looking at me too. In conclusion I looked like a mess. "Why did you take that?!" I scream and chase Mingyu, hearing the laughs of the rest of the guys in the distance. "WHY ARE YOUR FEET SO LONG?" I ask and stop running to catch my breath.

I scream when Mingyu lifts me off the ground and puts me on his shoulder. "MINGYU PUT ME DOWN!" I say and hold onto him tight, scared that he would drop me any second. "Okay gosh!! I'm putting you down now" he says once I playfully started to punch him. "You guys are so annoying. I regret becoming you guys' friend when I was a kid" I say once he puts me back down and holds onto my hand while walking back to the rest of the guys.

"It didn't seem like that back then.  You would cling onto us whenever you could" he says. I turn to face him only to see him smiling, and it was nice to see him like that. Back when we had gone to meet my parents we did drop in at the boys' houses as well. It was nice to know from their parents about how they would talk about me all the time. It was also good that Hyunsik and the guys have gotten to know each other well and are quite close now.

From most comments I've seen about seventeen, they are very hard working and do everything really well. And I've seen it through the many mini concerts they'd have for me, which according to them was for me to see if they were good enough. "Thank you" Mingyu says out of nowhere. "For what?" I ask. "For remembering us Rose. That time Wonwoo hyung had called us... We were so excited that we just ran out of the house while he was talking, to meet you" he says and I smile.

"I'm sorry for not realising who you'll were earlier. But I promise I will be the best friend you all have ever wanted" I say and he chuckles. "You already are the only best friend we could ask for" he says and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into a side hug. "Who's gonna tell Hyunsik they're hugging?" One of the guys scream and we both look at each other once before running over to the rest of guys.

The whole day was great and it was all thanks to the guys. "Did you have fun today?" Hyunsik asks hugging me from behind, once I close the front door. "I did" I say smiling, and turn around to hug him back. "Come on. I've made dinner" he says and leads me to the kitchen we're there were two bowls of spaghetti lying on the table. "Eat up" he says with a smile. I smile feeling really lucky to have Hyunsik and the guys here for me.

Thank you for reading!
Love you♥️

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