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Hyunsik's POV

"Y/n I got something for you~" I say struggling to hold the huge plushie in my hand while closing the door at the same time. I walk up to the bedroom since she wasn't in the living room, but there was no sign of her up there either. "Babe you in the kitchen?" I ask leaving the plushie and running back down.

She was no where to be seen so I called her phone, only to see her phone ringing on the couch. I quickly dial one of the guys' numbers waiting till they pick up. "Hello" "Jisoo is Y/n with any of you guys?" I ask. "No. Why? Is anything wrong?" He asks. "She wasn't at home when I came back from work" I say. "WHAT?!?!" Jisoo screams. "Yeah. I'll drive along the streets and see if she's anywhere... She had left her phone back at home as well" I say grabbing my key and quickly rushing to the car.

"Okay... We'll search for her too. Call one of us if you find her" he says and hangs up after I agree. Reversing the car out of the driveway, I drive through the streets carefully seeing if she were walking around anywhere. I couldn't think straight, too worried that anyone would hurt her. Normally I wouldn't be this worried if she hadn't left her phone back at home.

Joshua's POV

I tell the guys and a few of us split up and drive off searching at the places we think she would've gone to. "I'm sure she would've checked her phone" Minghao says and I sigh. "We can't stay quiet we need to clear up everything soon. It's hurting her" Seungkwan says from behind. "Don't worry okay... coups said they'll do something soon" I say looking at him, the worried expression never leaving his face.

Your POV

I lightly laugh as Hyunwoo kept telling me about how a butterfly tried to eat him. "Hyunwoo it just flew onto your hand" Hyejin says. "Because it wanted to eat me!!" He replies. "This kid" Hyejin says and sighs. "Cute" I mumble with a chuckle. "Rose?" I hear a voice way too familiar and turn around. "Seokmin?" I say. "Everyone's worried about you. Why did you leave your phone at home and go out?" He asks running upto me. "I'm sorry" I say standing up and facing him but his attention was elsewhere.

I follow Seokmins eyes to see Hyunwoo holding onto my pinky and looking back at Seokmin. "I'll drop you at home" he says looking back at me and I nod. "Thank you Hyejin" I say turning around and hugging her. "No problem don't think about what they said alright... And let's meet again" she says and I nod smiling. "Bye Hyunwoo" I say crouching down to hug him too. "Your going?" He asks once I let go of the hug. "Yeah. We'll meet again alright?" I say and he nods holding out his pinky. "Promise?" He says and I chuckle interwining my pinky with his "promise" I say with a smile.

"Bye" I say once more before quietly following Seokmin back towards his car. I wait in the passenger seat till he gets in, once done with his call. The whole ride was quiet until he decided to speak. "what happened?" He asks and I turn to look at him "Nothing did" I say and turn back around to look out of the window.

"Y/n tell me!!" He says a little louder. Loud enough for me to flinch, since Seokmin isn't the type to get mad like that. "I bumped into a few of your fans" I say softly. He stops the car making me slowly look at him. "Did they say anything to you? Did they hurt you anywhere?" He asks, his expression turning soft. "No Seokmin, remember the girl and the little boy I was with... If not for them I don't know what would've happened" I say. "I'm really sorry Rose. I'm sorry you have to go through all this" he says. "No don't be sorry it isn't your fault" I say. "We'll figure things out soon alright?" He says and I nod smiling.

Thank you for reading!!
I'm sorry it's in a few other POVs and pls don't mind any grammar errors I've made...
I love you all!!

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