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It's almost 6.30pm and hyunsik should be heading in any minute now. The guys are still there sipping on their coffees and being extremely loud. The bell at the entrance rings indicating that someone enetered. I turn towards the door and smile seeing none other than hyunsik walking in, a bunch of flowers in one hand as the other is in his pocket. "Hey beautiful" he comes up to me, kissing my forehead and handing over the flowers. "You shouldn't have brought these hyun" I say looking down and internally screaming at how handsome this guy can be "I will do anything for you Y/n" he takes my free hand, placing a soft kiss on it. "Ay... Hyunsik" we both face jimin. "Hey man" they both fist bump and I mentally face palm myself. This always happens. "I'll be back" I excuse myself, getting a nod of approval from hyunsik. The guys continue to talk as I make my way towards the locker. Removing my apron I place it in the locker and take out my other belongings.

I walk out to the 2 guys still talking "you ready?" Hyunsik asks and I nod. "I'll be going now jimin" he nods with a smile "have fun" he winks and I glare at him. "Hey shorty-" "uh... Let's go" hyunsik cuts me off, dragging me out towards the door while holding in his laugh. "Bye shorty" I scream from the front and hide behind hyunsik when I see jimin running towards us. Ain't he one fun boss. I giggle softly but that doesn't go unnoticed by jimin as he pulls me from behind hyunsik and crushes me in a hug. "Take care of this kid" he slowly let's go of me and I straighten my clothes. Before I can argue anymore hyunsik nods, pulling me out of the cafe. "You look really beautiful" he opens the door to the passenger seat and I get in "thank you" I reply shyly. He smiles walking around and to the driver's seat slowly placing the flower bouquet that I didn't notice he had been holding, at the back. "Beach?" He asks and I nod with a smile.

??? POV
"That was her" I speak. "Yeah, she did look like her" "I mean look at the eyes" "and the name" the guys continue to comment. I turn to look at her, only to see a guy handing her a bunch of flowers and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Well I thought only we would be the ones she loves" I turn towards the guys and give them a sad smile. The two walk out of the cafe hand in hand, not before getting a hug from the guy we met earlier. "It's sad she doesn't remember us one bit", the guys nod in response. I sigh going back to my coffee, thoughts of her still roaming around my head.

Sorry that was dumb.... I need to get better in writing lol. Anyways do tell me how I can make this better and if u have any suggestions.


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