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Hyunsik POV
We had breakfast and now we're at the mall. Cause I like to shower my girlfriend with all the love I can give her okay! How I wish we could've just been like this all the time. Y/n tugs on my sleeve making me face the direction she's facing.

And of course it's a store filled with toys. I'm clearly not enough for this girl. I chuckle as she tries to drag me into the store. "Can I have one please?" She pleads with puppy eyes and I dramatically roll my eyes "yes baby" "yay thank you" she hugs me before turning around to choose her plushies, while I can't help but take my eyes off her.

How can someone be so kind and beautiful like her. I'm definitely lucky to have her in my life. "I want this" she says holding up a little blue dragon. And no joke, that looks so soft.

"Go pay for it" she says pushing me towards the cashier. This little brat. "Wait for me near the door please" she adds and I nod, walking off to pay for the plushie. Just as she said I stood at the exit with the bag in my hand till she came. Which took her a whole five minutes.

"Here" she holds out a bag and I take it. I open the bag and there's a plushie that looks similar to what she had chosen for her, except it's in pink. "That's for you. Whenever were not together you can always cuddle it. And I have the same thing too." She says being all excited and I soften seeing her like this.

She's too precious. I smile looking down at the little dinosaur plushie in my hand. Cute. "Thank you babe" I place a light kiss on her forehead and she chuckles before hugging me. "Ice cream?" I ask knowing how much she loves it, and her eyes glow when I said that. I laugh following her to the ice cream stand not that far away from where we are.

Yeah we just had breakfast, but here we are eating our ice cream like it's the last day on earth. "What do you want to do after this?" I ask and she thinks for a while. "Anythings fine" she responds. "You get to choose all we do today. So pick" she pouts and I can't help but to squeeze her cheeks.

"Oh we could watch the movies and maybe go bowling" I nod and continue to finish my ice cream. I look up at Y/n to see her looking around the mall with ice cream on her nose. I try my best to stiffle in a laugh. "Babe.." she nods turning her attention to me. I signal her to come closer and she does that.

Leaning forward I lick off the ice cream on her nose. "EW... I got your spit on my nose" she says while scrunching up her nose making me laugh. "So it's fine when twilight does it?"

Omg idk what I just wrote. Lol bare with me😂

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