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Notifications from my social medias started flooding in but before I could see or react Jeonghan snatched the phone away from me. "W-what's happening?" I ask looking at Jeonghan. "Why don't you sit down first" he says, making me sit down on a chair with the rest of the guys sitting around. Soonyoung rests his head on my shoulder, hugging onto my arm.

"Remember when we went to the park?" Jeonghan asks and I nod in response. "So people had recognized us with you that day and a few other times we were together. Meaning, someone could've been following us a bunch of times" I nod in approval for him to continue. "They've taken pictures of us together and it's been released" he continues. "So people know about me?" I ask and Jeonghan nods in reply.

"Seungcheol was called to talk with the managers now and see what we can do. Now Rose, you will get messages and all of those but I don't want you to read any of them. We'll tell Hyunsik about this as well and all I'm saying is don't worry alright we'll do our best to help you" Jeonghan says once again, I nod not knowing what to say since all of this is still new to me.

"Try your best to stay inside. Don't go to work for a few days" Seokmin says, the usual smile on his face now replaced with a tired and worried look. "But-" "please Rose we don't want anything happening to you" He cuts me off and I sigh. Guilt was eating me up. While the boys had their own busy schedules they were here, in our living room being all worried about me. I look around the living room, at everyone who was either looking down or at their phones. My phone kept beeping and lighting up right next to Jeonghan while I was aimlessly staring right at it, lost in my own thoughts.

Hyunsik had gotten home and the guys had left after alot of our persuading. Once again I felt like a bother, since Hyunsik never left my side and kept apologizing for being home late. "Here you go!" Hyunsik brings a whole tray of food into the living room where I was watching television and places it on the table. It's the fact that nothing happened and they were acting like it was my last day on earth that freaked me out.

"Eat well" he says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead and turning around to go back but I stop him, holding onto his wrist. "I can't eat all of this. Come eat with me" I say and he nods smiling. Hyunsik sits beside me and starts eating after making sure I had started eating. "I'm sorry you have to go through this" Hyunsik says. "Hyunsik nothing happened yet and still, don't be sorry if anything it's my fault for being careless" I say and he sighs in reply.

"It isn't your fault babe. These happen" he says. "I know. But if things go bad it's their couriers at risk. And I don't want to be the reason for that" I say. "We'll get through this together alright. Don't worry" he says, hugging me from the side. I lie my head on his shoulder and hum in reply, only hoping that everything will be okay for the guys.

Thank you for reading!!

I'm listening to side by side way too much😭😭... Like someone better take my phone away from me.

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