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"You're going to be meeting someone" Seungcheol says, opening the door. I look at him while he signals me to walk in. I slowly go in with the guys following behind and stop when i see a figure seated against the wall. He raises his head up and smiles at me, while I for some reason mirror his actions. "Rose..." He says softly, while standing up.

I slowly look to my side at Seungcheol who only nods with a smile. The boy walks upto me, standing just a few feet away. I carefully go through every detail in his face. Those eyes and baby face were very familiar. "Samuel?..." I mumble and the boy nods with a smile. I cover my mouth with both my hands as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Hey, you're going to make me cry..." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "You have gotten so tall" I say  while crying and he chuckles. "And you're still a cry baby" he says, making me chuckle and playfully hit him. "Idiot" I say and he chuckles this time.

"I missed you so much" he says and I smile. "I did too" I say, slowly letting go of the hug. "they made sure I came to meet you, so here we are" Samuel says pointing at the boys. "You're not the one who was dying to meet her when we told you about her?" Seungcheol asks, raising one of his eyebrows at Samuel, making him giggle.

I smile watching the guys fool around with each other. The guys had arranged for Samuel to come pay a visit to meet me again, and thats exactly what happened. I was surprised that he remembered me, since he was so little. "I got you something" Samuel says amongst all the noise, while handing me a little box. "I didn't get you anything though" I say, feeling slightly guilty.

"You didn't have to anyway. Now open it quick" he says and I chuckle. "Aww..." I say, looking at the necklace. It was a beautiful yet simple rose pendant, with 'Forever Our Rose' carved into it at the back. "Thank you sooo much. It's so cute" I say and he chuckles. "Do you want me to put it on for you?" He asks and I nod moving my hair to a side so it'll be easier. "There!" he says, adjusting the chain around my neck.

"I'm sleepy" Samuel says with a little yawn, making me stop myself so hard from squeezing his cheeks. "Aww... Come here" I say and he cuddles onto my side. "You treat me like a child" he mumbles, making me chuckle. "That's 'cause you are one" I say.  "You two have been talking for the past hour!" Seungkwan whines from the other side of the room, gaining mine and Samuel's attention.

"Look at them" "Aww" "she found a favourite now you guys" the guys say and I sigh, Not this again. "Yeah Samuel's my favourite" I say with a shrug and the guys dramatically gasp, while I was holding in my laugh. "I don't know them" Samuel says and I chuckle "me neither".

"Ok everyone smile" the person who was walking past the practice room that Soonyoung kidnapped to take a group picture of us says, and we do as said. "Another one" the person says. "Jeonghan!" I exclaim, slightly turning around to face the boy who started messing with my hair. "Jeonghan!" He imitates and I glare at him, to which the guys start laughing.

Thank you for reading!!
I'm sorry I really don't know much about Samuel but I had to include him😭
Next chapter will be the last chapter🙁
I love you all!!♥️♥️

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