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"hey!" I say entering the café I hadn't been into for a long time. "Oh Y/n, you came here after forever. How's everything with the guys?" Jimin asks, standing on the other side of the counter. "Good actually. Everythings back to normal now" I reply with a smile. "That's good to hear" he says and I nod.

"I'm gonna start working again" I say, making Jimin looking away from the coffee he was making and face me. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "Okay you can. But no overworking and you are free on weekends alright?" He says. "Alright. Then from tomorrow?" I ask and he nods with a smile.

"Here you go" Jimin says, placing a coffee on the table. "What's this for?" I ask with a confused expression. "Have it. It's from me" he says with his usual smile on. "Oh no you don't have to" I say and he chuckles. "I did though" he says and turns around, walking back towards the counters. I sigh but nevertheless take the coffee into my hands and look out of the café while sipping onto it.

It had already been a week since I did a live with the guys, and after that everything died down. Just like everything was back to how it was in the beginning. I was happy, Hyunsik was happy and the guys were happy too. I bid a goodbye to Jimin and walk back home. Walking up past the driveway I chuckle seeing the guys' cars parked.

"Oh you're back. Come on we're going somewhere" Seungcheol says. "Where are we going?" I ask looking around the room at all the guys. "That's a secret kid" Mingyu says, patting my shoulder. "Mingyu we're the same age!" I exclaim and he just shrugs. "Your height says otherwise" he says and I widen my eyes. "Oh you are just too tall" I say. "Come quick!" Seokmin and Soonyoung says, pulling me to and out of the front door.

Why am I surprised they kidnapped me again. I was seated in one of the cars with Seungkwan beside me and Wonwoo and Jun in the front. "Where are we going?" I whine for probably the 100th time. "Shush" Seungkwan says and I sigh looking out of the window. "You guys are mean" I mumble with a pout.

"We're here" Wonwoo says and I lift my head up to take a look at the surroundings. "Your company?" I ask, confused. "Yep let's go!" Jun says and we slowly get off the car. "Hi Chan!!" I say, running upto the youngest once we get out of the car. "Hey Rose" he says, smiling. "What are we here for?" I ask, lightly pulling onto this arm. "That, you will see" he says chuckling and I sigh. "Joshua~" I say, and he stops walking to turn around and face me.

"Yeah?" He asks and I skip my way towards him. "Your hair looks really nice today!" I compliment. "What do you want?" He asks, with a laugh. "Oh nothing, just tell me why we're here" I say. "No" he replies plainly and I glare at him. "Come on plea-" he cuts me off. "Rose wait till you go and see for yourself" he says and I sigh. I turn around and smile at Jeonghan who was looking at me as if he saw the weirdest thing ever, I don't blame him though he is gorgeous. Who am I kidding all of them are. "I'm not telling you" he says, right when I was about to speak.

I sigh and give up, standing still while the others kept walking. "Hey come on... It's just a few more minutes till you see" Vernon says, holding onto my hand and walking beside me. "Alright" I say with a slight pout. We split up into two groups and get into the elevator. "Come on..." Vernon says, tugging onto the sleeve of my shirt and I follow him and the rest of the guys out of the elevator. We walk in the familiar hallways towards what seemed like their practice room and stop outside.

Thank you for reading!!
This is going to end soon:(
I hope you all are doing great and I love you all!!♥️

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